Chapter 18

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Todd's POV

For two days I have been looking for her. She disappeared and for two days there is not a trace of her. Her shift is coming in a couple days and she needs to be found before then. She doesn't deserve to shift; she especially doesn't deserve what she was born with. She took her from me! She took my beautiful mate, my life. The person I gave everything up for. We were from two different worlds, she was a wolf, and I was an angel; but I loved her anyway. In order to be with her I had to give it up and become a normal human. Since I lost my mate, I lost everything. I lost who I was, and I lost the love of my life. I did originally care about my children, but then I lose my son, and my daughter looks so much like her. I can't bear to look at her. It should have been Melody! Not my Maria! Since she is a hybrid she will shift, but I am not sure how. All I know is she has both her parents in her, she is part angel and wolf. I know this because she has the hearing of a wolf. However she also has the ability to feel others emotions, which is the angel side of her; I know this because when she was 5 her brother broke his arm, and she felt all of his pain. She was the reason we knew it was broken, because of her screaming and crying right next to him when nothing was wrong with her. Now thanks to her, I have no mate, and no son, and no angelhood. I have lost everything. Yeah I beat her so what? She deserves it; she deserves everything I have ever done to her, because it is nothing compared to what she took from me. Now that she is about to shift, I need to put my plan in action. I lost my love so she should lose hers, except not by death. Oh no, that would be too easy, no she needs to be tortured by losing her love by seeing him, but he will be just out of reach. I need to find her, so I can get my revenge.

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