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A/N: I'm going to write this differently. The exhaustion of trying to write in third person is consuming my last remaining part of my soul.
Same goes to my inspiration to continue this story. I made a "FANTASTIC" deal with myself to finish this story—I will, but it might be shorter than what I planned ages ago (months). Originally I wanted to do 20-30 chapters but it will be cut short. Sorry about the delay.

Chapter 14:

[Y/N]'s POV:

The white walls of the hallways always gave me the vibe of uncertainty. When I entered the dull room of D4, I felt caged. The white bed covered with a white blanket, no television, no windows, just a tiled counter with brown wood. The only thought that passed my hyperactive mind was: Where do I pee?

The small room didn't have a door that lead to a restroom. Do I need to pee in a bottle when I couldn't leave in my room at the night? Wouldn't that be barbaric?

A knock on the door disturbed my thoughts.

"Come in." I said.

A woman with braided hair appeared. She gave me a reassuring smile, "I hope you like your room. I've been told to take you down to the courtyard. Would you like that? It's windy outside, and nice." Her voice came out smoothly like she was confident.

"Do I have a choice?" I rose an eyebrow.



The wind made me shiver.
The only thing that really looked nice was the tinted color flowers and scent of perfume.

"There's many people here. That can be a great way to make friends!" She told me.

"I rather have no friends." I mumbled, remembering the prank that caused Hannah's and Beth's death.

"Such negativity. Makes you look awful, honey."

I hissed. My tongue sprang out of my mouth, licking my cracked bottom lip.

Before I could say anything back. A pair of blue eyes came in my sight. A huge smile plastered on her face.

Her blonde hair was perfectly slicked back into a pony hair. She wore a sticker that said "VISTOR" on her grey sweater.

I couldn't believe it.


She immediately gave me a huge hug that knocked the air out of me.

"WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!" I could hear her rapid breath against my ear, "THE POLICE! MIKE!" She let go of me and took a long sigh like she was trying to regain control of her breathing. "We have been looking everywhere. When I received a call from Josh's parents that he was admitted here, I needed to see him."

"I've been looking for Josh. I can't find him anywhere." I told her. She gave me a reassuring smile.

"He's in the cafeteria. We can go together."

With that we left the courtyard.

A/N: omg. I've been having this as a draft for so long. The story is wrapping up.
Anyways, please let me know if you rather have third person or first person? Which one is better?

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