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"Take your goddam meds." The doctor hissed out.

"Why can't your girlfriend take your virginity? Oh wait you never had a girlfriend in the first place." Jessica smirked. Her blue eyes twinkled with misfit as she rose her chin up when the doctor let an unsatisfactorily groan.

"Look." The young dark haired doctor rose his hands up in defeat. " I know. You. And me. Don't get along."

"No shit." Jessica made a 'tsk' sound, "I don't think anyone likes being drugged. And idk? Being called mentally unstable. I know what I saw in that shithole of a mountain. Don't believe me. I don't care about your irrelevant opinion."

"Good. Didn't want your tiny little brain thinking, anyways. I tried to be really, heck really really, nice to you Jessica." His hand gripped the handle of the door. "But you're just a stubborn little girl stuck in a grownup body." He slammed the door closed as he left the once silent room.

Jessica rolled her eyes. It has been minutes before when she woke up in this white trashcan of a room. She remembers emerging from her unconsciousness to just face the devil himself— Doctor. Franklin.

Sure the young doctor is smart. His sharp jawline twitched as he stared at her confused eyes when she woken up. "You made an amazing show out there. Jessica." He told her with sarcasm dripping from his voice. This wasn't the first time meeting the brooding Doctor. When she was first admitted to the asylum, he stood there with curiosity written in his vibrant blue eyes, "Nurse, stats please."

"She survived an attack from her unstable friend. She believes a creature with no frolics tried to kill her. Currently she is under medication to submerge her panic attacks. And to prevent her to harm her own self."

"And where is this friend? Nurse?" Jessica remember hazily looking at Doctor. Franklin writing notes. His eyes shortly met hers.

"Location unknown. Doctor Franklin." And that was the many beginnings Jessica heard of Doctor Franklin.

"Yoooooo! Looool! Omfg! Freaking Joshua Washington!" One of the hospital patient let out a loud crackle. He patted Josh's shoulder, "my favorite person here! Aren't we homies! To the max bro?"

Josh let out a soft fake laugh, "yeah. Sure."

His green eyes looked around the very crowded cafeteria. 'Where is that sassy blonde' he thought.

"You think your super rich parents can bail me out?" The stranger he just met right now grabbed his face. Josh could see every pores on his face, his cracked lips, crazy eyes, and the scare on his right cheek. "Do you want know how I got this scaaaaarrrr~" he sang out randomly.

"No. Not really." Josh hissed out, trying the get out of his grasp.

"You're so beautiful. Green eyes like yooo sisters, I bet your body is gorgeous like the—"

"HEY! No touching!" A man wearing a security outfit yelled out. He grabbed hold of the man and pulled him apart of Josh.

"Hey! Let go of me! He's my homie! Man!" He wriggled against the security's grasp. "Aren't I? Joshua the man Washington! I seen all your parent's moviieeessss. We're brothers!"

"Isaac this is the second time you tried to touch another patient. Another strike and you're going to be detained and sent to the room." Isaac's eyes widen when heard the word: room.

Wendigo Josh x Reader | Until Dawn |Where stories live. Discover now