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A/N: Your age in the book is 19. The reason why, because in until dawn the characters are around 18-19.
Y/N: Your Name
Y/H/C: Your hair color
L/N: last name
Y/H:Your height

The mines gave an echo to [Y/N]. Her stomach roar in anger. She became tempted to eat the remaining pieces of the flamethrower guys' head.

But every time she was close to. Josh's human face always appear in her head.

"No." She heard his voice said in her head.

Gripping with the remaining humanity she has, [Y/N] limp back where Josh sat, who is rocking back and fourth.

His milky eyes glint with hunger, he gave another growl as [Y/N] approach closer to his rocking form.

Once again Josh felt the tug in his rumbling stomach when he saw the human form walking to him. He told himself, this is [Y/N].

"Joshua. Come back to me." He heard her sweet melody voice; the soft palm of her lovely tender skin touching his rough cheeks. He let out a whimper when he felt one of her finger lingering on one of his sharp teeth.

"[Y/N]." He said with a slight growl. With enough control. Joshua rose his head to face the beauty who looked at him admirably. He could hear her calm pounding heartbeat that give rhythm within her chest. He could make out every detail in her broken—yet beautiful face.

"I don't think I could last longer here Josh." [Y/N] admits. Josh could smell the musk of weakness and hunger lingering off of [Y/N] this cause him to make a slight inhuman sound. Half of him wanted to take this to his advantage. With a swift of a claw, he could end this. He could feed and survive. But the other half, his human half, knew if he loses the last piece of his humanity. He would never come back..

"Go.." Josh said, struggling with his words. He wanted to say, let's get out of here. But the word, 'Go', was the only thing that could come out of his half ripped mouth.


Sam let out a sigh. Sadly she look at the paper in front of her.
[Y/N] [L/N]
Age: 19
Hair Color: [Y/H/C]
Eye Color: [Y/E/C]
Height: [Y/H]

"Why aren't you searching?" She said, praying the officer behind her, heard her.

"Last cause. The mines are too deep, someone can easily get lost." She heard the officer said. Anger starts to boil within Sam.

"This is why Hannah and Beth were never found for one year! Because no one—Mike I can handle it—no one cared to search for them!" She said, ignoring Mike's words.

"She wanted to go. I might reconsider and send some officers to search at the entrance of the mine." With that the officer marched out of the room, leaving Sam gaping.

"We have to look for them, Mike!" Sam said, with desperation in her eyes.

"Sam. I saw that thing—Hannah took Josh deeper into the mines. That was days before [Y/N] went there to look for any signs of him." Mike said with slight guilt. Maybe if he had done something—distract the Wendigo? Josh would had been here with [Y/N] laughing and cracking jokes like the good old times.

Sam turned to face Mike. Her face shown with sadness and disbelief. "You are saying he is dead."

"It's likely he is..I just hope he is not worst then dead."


[Y/N] let out a groan. Josh is heavier than she thought he would be. "I shouldn't had let you eat all those cheeseburgers!" She silently cursed,as she dragged him. His left arm wrapped around her shoulder while [Y/N]'s right arm is coil around his waist.

"You know if you could more a bit that would totally be helpful..!" [Y/N] said wincing, pulling Josh.

"Sorry." [Y/N] heard a soft voice beside her. This all happened minutes ago...

One second Josh was fine rocking on the mine's floor, then he was screaming in pain. His claws grew larger than before, his mouth ripping more..

..He look more Wendigo now..

One of his leg is a inch taller than his other one. This made something in [Y/N] to snap. She needed to escape the mines with Josh. Her only mission now is not to let him turn like Hannah.


A/N: Time to escape the mines. BWHAHA. I hope you guys like this chapter. If anybody has any questions, feel free to comment!!

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