Chapter 9

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A/N: Look guys! I did it! I stopped being lazy! :D
So sorry about the (GIANT) delay, I was being a chicken about publishing. Anyways, onwards into Ninjago!!
-ninjagoalizane :3

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHH.... WhyamIstillaliveandscreaming!!!!!!!" I holler in panic.
A familiar voice grumbles in my ear, "Stop being a wimp, open your eyes already. You're wasting my time..."
"You're perfectly fine, Mandy..." Another, equally annoyed voice adds.
I cautiously peel open my eyes...
I'm standing in what looks like a TARDIS control room, but different. Around me are people I can't believe are really there.
"Sh.. Shadow? Liss? STALKER CAT? What the..."
All of these people are characters my friends and I had been writing about and imagining for years.
PIXAL? Do you see this too? Or.. Am I dead?
I see this... But I don't understand. We seem to be... Not in Ninjago anymore...
"Hey! Where's Lloyd?" I shout suddenly.
"Right here." I turn to face the voice, and there I see my little brother, wearing a Naruto Hokage suit with a green veil over the face, little cat Lloyd on his shoulder.
"Myo?!!! What are you doing here?"
"That's mysterious Swikage to you, missy," he retorts, staring at me in a lordly fashion.
"No... It's.. Not possible!!" I cry. "That character is.."
"Amazing? You best believe it, sistah ✌!" He grins at me smugly.
PIXAL interrupts me before I speak again. "Our priority right now is not introductions, but explanations. How did we get inside this... Craft?"
"You are currently inside my.. Chardis. We materialized around you just before the creatures attacked," a low voice answered.
Stalker Cat turned to face me, his beady eyes staring upwards.
"But why I decided to help you is beyond me..."
"Yeah, does anyone remember how we got here?" Liss asks.
"Hmm... Something fishy's going on around here..." I muse, trying to comprehend the craziness around me while my inner nerd was losing it.
"I think I know what's going on..." another voice says.
"Who's that?" I ask.
"I'm Lunix. I don't know who any of you are, but I'm gonna make a few guesses to what's happening. I personally don't think we all came from the same place, and some of us seemed to not be as alarmed as others in showing up somewhere randomly. So... Maybe we should start with them? What do you guys think?"
"You're right," Liss comments placidly. "This kind of thing is the norm in my life. But it does seem a little strange... I don't remember anything specifically before this... Yet I felt like I was expecting us all to be here..."
"Ooh! I noticed something!
Not all of us are from the Ninjago universe we were just in. Liss, you're all around, I know that much. Ai- I mean Myo, you're from Naruto... But you don't look as much like your character as I thought you would... Shadeyshady, you're Warriors, among other things, and Stalker, you're kind of Warriors, kind of Doctor Who... Plus there's Lloyd the cat to explain, as well as that encounter with the Hork-Bajir..." I think aloud.
"I think it is worth inquiring how much anyone recalls from specifically before this encounter," PIXAL interjected. "We can most likely piece together the rest from there."
"This might be the stupidest thing I've ever done. And I've done a lot, thanks very much."
Shadow groans in complaint at our current activity.
I smile in her direction. "C'mon Shadey, it ain't that bad... Alright, who wants to go first?"
We are currently all gathered in a circle on the floor of the Chardis. We've decided to go through everyone's name and where they are from.
"Umm... Don't all volunteer at once!" I say sarcastically at the unenthused little crowd in front of me.

A/N: Hey guys! Before I continue, to both those of u with characters in the story already or people who want me to add theirs, please comment their response to this part! I'll add Ali's as an example. Thanks!!! :D

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