Chapter 6

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A/N: Thank you to the two of you for voting 😄 The story will continue with the crossovers idea! I hope you like it -ninjagoalizane :3

I wake with a sudden start, popping up from a cushy mattress. I look around me. I'm in a room I don't recognize. It doesn't look like a hospital, I think. It looks more like someone's house.
The mattress is on the floor, and the room is cluttered with books and clothes all around me on the floor. I push myself up on my left arm.
"Um, you still here?" I ask aloud, hesitantly.
"If you are referring to me, then yes," says PIXAL's voice, coming from my mouth.
I feel the right side of my body tighten up, as if awakening from rigor mortis.
Carefully, I begin to pull myself upwards. PIXAL does the same, and we get to an awkward standing position.
"Where are we?" I ask.
"I believe we are in an apartment near Borg Tower. How we got here remains unknown, but evidence shows that we were transported here approximately 43 hours ago," PIXAL says, with a bit of a haughty tone.
"Well, that's just splendid, Ms. Know-it-all!"
"I'd advise against yelling. The mental strain may-"
Suddenly, we crumple to the floor. Whatever she was going to say was evidently right, again.
I can't hold it in anymore. I burst into tears.
Ninjago isn't as fun as I imagined...

I'm sorry. It appears I have inconvenienced you in some way.

Surprised, my head bobs up.
You can hear my thoughts? I ask.

It appears so. Excuse my rudeness, but... Is this how sadness feels? I had my suspicions from... Before, but I had assumed a programming error.

Before? Is that when-
A memory springs into our mind, one neither of us want to see.
The day I tried so hard to block from my memory.
Frantically I try to distract myself.
You never looked sad to me then... But now, I... Think you were.

You've met me before, but- I apologize- I don't seem to have met you.

Of course, she wouldn't know about the show. Excited I've found something to talk about, I lift us slightly up, then plop down dramatically on the mattress.

Ok! Let me begin...

And suddenly, I feel like everything might still turn out all right.

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