Chapter 8

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A/N: So sorry I couldn't get my update in on time! That's me for ya ^,^'
Anyways, before this chapter, can someone PLEASE tell me why my TV won't record the new episodes of Ninjago everyone's talking about?! It's driving me more insane than usual. (Random rant lol)
Luv u papes,
ninjagoalizane :3

"Lloyd?!" I gasp. "You're a cat!What the sprink is going on?!"
He sits up, confused. "PIXAL? You sound weird. That's you, right?"
"This is Ali." PIXAL says, rather curtly. "We are linked cybernetically now."
"Hello," he says, looking confused. "I'm not gonna ask how that's possible. As you can see, I'm having a weird day."
"What happened?" I ask, still amazed.
"I can't remember... All I know is, one second I'm walking down the street in Ninjago City, then the next, I'm here, and... I think I'm a cat?"
"Correct." PIXAL states.
"A green one!" I add helpfully, staring at his pelt.
Suddenly, PIXAL turns our head towards the corridor. The radar blips with green lights.
"Life-forms detected. Most likely hostiles."
"Really?! Awesome!!!" I squee. "This is the best day ever!"
Lloyd frowns. "You kidding? Unless you know how to fight, we might be toast! How many coming, PIXAL?"
"Twelve. They're getting closer. Approximately 2 minutes to their arrival."
"Cool!! I'm gonna be in a fight!! Just like you guys!!!" I begin to jump up and down excitedly.
Lloyd totters to his paws. "I don't know how to work this body, so I can't help you out. Seriously, how good are you?"
"I don't know... I've never fought before! But I'll be fine, right, PIXAL? You can help me."
"Negative. I can only do as much as you can." she replies. If I didn't know better, I'd say she's panicking.
"Oh... Kay... Well, I guess it's half a klutzy 12-year-old, half an annoying android, and a green ninja-turned-warrior-cat who can't even walk against twelve possible threats... And I don't even have any powers or nothing." I laugh maniacally.
"They are turning the corner." PIXAL states, more robotic in her panic.
"Oh... D'arvit!" Lloyd shout. I do a double take. Did he just say...
No time to think. I can see shadowy figures turn the corner, then start down the hall towards us. They look massive! They're hunched over, but they look to be at least 7 feet tall. As they get closer, I see spikes sticking out of the sides of their necks, their arms, their bodies, and I realize what we're facing.
"What are those, Hork-Bajiir?!" I scream with shock in my voice. The creatures really do resemble the Yeerk enslaved race from Animorphs. Man! How much crazier can this get?
"Lloyd! What should we do?" I yell in panic. My earlier bravado is doing me no good. Now, in the heat of battle, I quickly revert back to my true form: helpless, inflexible nerd who can barely take a punch without crying.
"Umm..." He bites his cat muzzle in indecision, nervously shifting from paw to paw.
"Lloyd, the enemies will reach us in T-minus..."
"Let me think, PIXAL!" Lloyd snaps, his cat claws springing out involuntarily.
"They're basically here, Lloyd!" I scream, shutting my eyes tightly as the giant spiky forms get closer, and closer...

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