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*not edited


Emma had fallen asleep a while ago. I was still here sitting next to her, watching her chest rise and fall steadily. Suddenly my phone begins to ring. Glancing down at the caller ID, a look passes over my face before I answer.

"Ryder," I acknowledge the person on the other end of the line.

"Hey Spenc, how's it going? How's Cindy?" He asks, I frown. Why would he want to know how Cindy is? Ryder takes in a sharp intake of breath before whispering an almost silent 'shít' but I pick it up anyway.

"It's good. There was an accident though, Emma got hurt really badly." I begin.

"Good," I hear him whisper.

"Good? Good! You think it's good that my mate was scratched by a vampire do you Ryder? Are you so thick? I thing you knew what consequences the scratch of a leech can bring!" I ask harshly, walking out of the cave so I don't wake Emma.

"Sorry Spenc, I just don't like the girl." He says, I can imagine him shrugging his shoulders.

"You wouldn't understand the connection I have with her, you haven't found your mate." I snarl into the phone before hanging up. I throw my phone at a wall and Cindy walks in a frown on her face.

"Spenc, you okay?" She asks, placing her hand on my shoulder. I turn and give her a hug sighing. But then something clicks.

"Cind, pass me your phone." I demand, laying my hand out expectantly. She looks at me weirdly before handing it over. Logging in I scroll through her photo album, stopping on the photo I was looking for. "This! What is this?"

Cindy looks over my shoulder and horror becomes prominent on her face. The picture was of her and Ryder kissing. Her hands raise to her mouth as she swallows.

"But, what?" She asks. She looks around. "What the hell!"

I exit out of photos and click into contacts searching until I find Ryder's name. Hitting it I wait for him to pick up.

"Hey! Cindy I was just about to call you!" Ryder's cheery tone comes over from the other end of the line. I glare at the wall in front of me.

"Ryder, it's Spencer. We need to talk." I demand. And he says he will be here soon. Giving Cindy back her phone I rush out into the bush mumbling to myself. "Filk. Filk. Filk."

I look for the small white fern and my eyes catch it about 1 km away, only just because that's about when my enhanced sight begins to falter. I run over to it, picking it and running back to the cave. Getting a pot out of someone's backpack I create a fire and light it, filling the pot with water I let it boil. I raise my nose to the air, sniffing slightly. He's almost here. I crumple the fern in my hands, the leaves turning to dust. I throw it into the water and watch as the water begins to sparkle and bubble like mad, before it stops and the water too turns white. I take it off the heat and let it cool before putting the potion into a cup and drinking it.

My vision goes slightly hazy before returning to normal, just as Ryder walks in.

His stride is confident. I watch as Cindy comes running him laughing with joy.

"Ry!" She yells before jumping into his arms and kissing him. I smirk knowingly. Ryder looks at me suspiciously.

"Hey Ryder." I state before telling him to sit down.

"So something weird happened while we were gone," I start. He looks and me, nodding. "You see, Cindy found her mate," his eye widen and he looks around quickly.

"And that's weird because, you know, you and her are mates after all, aren't you?" I ask.

He doesn't answer, just looks at me, shock etched onto his features.

"Now there is only one reason why we could of all thought that you two were mates, do you know that reason Ryder?" I once again ask him a question. He gulps. "It's because, you have drunk a Jusinel potion. And you know very well that whoever drinks a Jusinel potion creates a temporary mate bond with the first person he or she touches. And you know just as well that whenever someone is within 100kms of you, they will think that you and that temporary mate, are indeed just that, mates."

Cindy looks at me with confusion.

"Now, if I hadn't of picked up on that at drunk a Filk potion, there could very well be a problem on our hands, couldn't there?" I stand up and walk over to Cindy, handing her the rest of the potion. She drinks it and understanding crosses her eyes, shortly followed by anger.

"Spencer, I'm sorry I-" Ryder starts.

"-am officially banished from this pack." I finished. He looks at me, flabbergasted. I look away, not bearing to see the hurt in his eyes. "Sorry Ryder, but you betrayed your pack. I can't stand by knowing you've done that and I've just let you go free."

He nods and walks away. Hopefully that is the last I'll see of him, no matter how much it hurts.


Filk Fern - a fern that counteracts the effect of potions. Must be boiled with water to activate.
Jusinel Potion - was explained above :)

Any questions feel free to ask.




more of Emma next chapter :)
love you all.

I am feeling better now so hopefully I can get these chapters out.


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