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*not edited


"Emma, wait!" Croydon calls behind me urgently. I spin around, rolling my eyes at the significantly smaller dragon.

"What?" I groan, he lifts his head up, taking in a big breath.

"Something isn't right..." He mumbles. Sniffing some more, he ends up pushing past me forcefully, in a rush.

"Croy? What is it? What's wrong?" I whisper, slowly falling him. As we walk into the main part of the cave, I instantly begin gagging, the putrid smell of blood, overwhelming my senses.

I cough and splutter looking around. The walls are all red, the floor, oh the floor, it's covered in puddles of blood. There's a gun laying next to my foot. I pick it up turning it over in my hands. I glare at the carving on the handle, The Council. I flinch and throw it at a wall, the contact making the gun shatter.

"Emma! We need to leave! The blood is still wet, they didn't leave to long ago. They can't get far, I'm sure." Croydon says and calls me over to him, as he shines himself a tiny bit more to allow me to climb on whilst in the cave, I wonder why we didn't just go outside. "I would close your eyes if I were you..."

I do as he says gripping onto is horns tightly, not knowing what he was about to do. Suddenly a white mist emits from him, encasing the two of us. My head throbs and spins as we start to rise into the air, then there is a huge pop and we are flying high above the treetops. My stomach lurches, my head pounding with the foreign feeling. I groan slightly.

"Croy!" I yell, flicking the dragon behind his ear. He laughs and I feel it shudder through us. I look up and around us, and only then do I notice how fast we are actually going, it would have to be over 300 Km and hour...

"Emma, look, just ahead." Croydon states, I lift my head and squint into the wind where I see a black smudge. "It's Kiolates"

Spencer and Cindy had left us earlier on into the trip, promising of they're return. But it couldn't be them right?

It's not, no it's another group of Kiolates, a wild flock of Pegasus ones. Croydon flaps his crystal wings once more, and we lurch forward quickly, and suddenly we are in line with the six colourful horses. The leader snorts from her nose at our sudden appearance, her eyes are wide and her wing flaps slow.

"Hello, I am Emma. Have you by any chance seen the High Council? Maybe with four people? Two boys, two girls? Oh, and four dragons?" I ask her, she glances at me and looks back to her flock, nickering a few times. She turns her blue head to me once again.

"No, Emma, sorry. Although, Kiri said she heard some commotion down below earlier, they were moving quickly. Could this be who you're looking for?" She says, softly.

"Possibly, thank you so very much for your help." I nod at her and reach into my bag for some piera flowers and hand them to her, she grabs them with her mouth and chucks them over to her flock. She thanks me before they fly off in another direction. 

"We will head North, but I'll fly lower, keep your eyes on the ground." Croydon says. I nod, dropping my view to the fast moving earth below me.

As we begin to reduce our speed I notice a lot of dust below us.

"Hey, look." I say, pointing to the murky air. Croydon swoops down and with a powerful flap of his wings the dust is gone and there is a clear view of a wagon, a clear logo of the High Council imprinted on the back. Quietly Croydon flies us higher to get a better look. There a two wagons, one I would presume holds my friends, the other possibly the dragons.

We follow the wagons until they stop to set up camp for the night. The driver of the first wagon steps out and stretches, looking around. He says something to his female companion and she nods before walking to the back of the wagon. Here, she grabs two loaves of bread and throws them inside, before continuing on to the other wagon, here, she grabs a Dairo carcass and pushes it inside.

"We have to do something." I whisper to Croydon, he turns his head down as he circles the group.

We will attack at night.

He says in our bond, because he knows as well as I do that if he spoke we would definitely be caught out.

It comes nightfall, and the members of the High Council all go into their respective tents for the night. Once we are sure they are asleep, except for the two guards they have on watch, Croydon slowly lowers me to the ground.

Croydon, take out the guards.

At my command the two guards instantly fall to the ground, unconscious, or dead, I do not know.

I run to the first wagon, completely bypassing the second. I call forward my earth element, and control the natural metals in the shackles locking the door to bend out of shape, snapping them in two. The door swings open and my friends look at me alarmed. I smile and hold a finger up to my lips, signalling for them to be quiet. I notice that Harmony isn't with them, a small scowl making its way onto my face. I gesture for them to follow me to the second wagon, here I break open the shackles and they are reunited with their dragons.

Lizabeth turns to me, her pale blue eyes shining. "How did you get here?" She asks. I smile sheepishly.

"Croy, you can make yourself visible again." I say as my dragon slowly fades back into his form right next to me. Jolie squeals slightly, whilst the others just stare at the huge dragon looming above even their own dragons. Neeme, Flarè, Kiln and Freya bow their heads at his presence. Croydon stand tall, sticking his chest out and huffing a greeting.

"This, is Croydon. He's a crystal dragon." I grin. My friends grin back.

"Now, now it's a fair fight." Duce nods.


I don't think I have felt worse in my entire life.... It has taken me forever to write this chapter and honestly I apologise so much!

A few of you told me to take my time, but I feel as if I fobbed it off. I feel really bad.

I don't think this chapter is worth the wait that I have caused. And if you have all deleted my book from your library I don't blame you, not one bit.

But if you haven't, then thankyou for putting up with the wait.

Promise I'll get the next chapter out asap

Thanks guys


Dairo - D-AIR- OH - a close relative to a deer, although it has very small ears and an extremely long tail, much like a horses.

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