Chapter 13

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I walked to my house but didn't go in I hid behind a tree and just sat there waiting for him to leave he backed out not to long after waiting and Jen waved me down to come over. I crossed the street and approached her house then ran in her house. She shut the door and we went to her room I had to ask to use her computer to look for a price on a plane ticket. She was nice enough to let me use it and I found the time it was 11:35 the flight left and I had to get a cab to the airport and to get to the hospital when I landed in Ohio.

"Your leaving...?"asked Jen

"I'll be back I just I have to make sure Lydia's okay."I said

"For how long..?"

"I'm not sure until she's awake and I can talk to her for awhile and hang out."

"Ok so this isn't permanent."

"Idk I wish but no."

She just flopped back on her bed lying on her back. She sighed and I sat on the end of her bed.

"What's wrong..?" I asked

"It's just....I's stupid.."she stuttered

"No it's not tell me."

"Your...just...the first guy I met that hasn't tried taking advantage of me and is so caring."



She just was silent.

"You know what Jenif...Jen" I corrected myself

"What.."she brightened her look

I lay on my side looking at her. "Your very nice and I'm happy I met you I needed a friend sense I lost like all of mine."

"What's with all the bruises and cuts on your face?"

" just the fight that I got into with someone before I moved here and they hit my girlfriend and she's in a coma..."

"That's not true because this is your second day here and you have new fresh bruises and cuts appearing."

"It's nothing ok!" I snapped

She just looks away.

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't worry about it I understand your in pain."

She grabs her phone and browses the Internet and I get her facebook adding her. Sitting here being bored out of my mind she's probably bored too. The time passes by with us talking watching tv, movies and playing games. I was actually having fun for once. I still missed Lydia and before I knew it It was pretty late around 11 and I was tired not sleeping for a day just a couple hours of sleep I ended passing out during a movie we were watching while lying on the bed.

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