Chapter 4

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"What's that?" asked Fae

"What's what?" I asked confused

"That." said Fae as she pointed to the key chain in my hand

"Umm that's a key chain that Lydia got me." I said as I looked out the plane window.

"I'm sorry." said Fae

"Wait why you did nothing wrong?"

"Dad he's so mean to you and you didn't do much to deserve that."

"Well better me than you right."


"Look if Justin didn't hurt me he'd hurt you so I'm just taking all the hits."

"Why don't you stand up to him?"

"Because If I do that...." I hesitate "if I do that he might...might almost kill me."

"He wouldn't do that."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he did."

Fae looks at me and reaches in to her pocket and pulls out a little coin "Mommy told me its good luck and said to always have it and ill be safe, I want you to have it."

"I couldn't Fae you need to stay safe especially if your still living with your dad."


"Keep it Fae stay safe okay be good listen to your dad and mom you understand me?!"

"Yes I understand."

I pull my phone out and begin to play flappy bird and Fae watches minutes later she pulls out a coloring book and the flight attendant comes by with pretzels and peanuts. I gave Fae my pretzels because I'm allergic to peanuts an she is too. Im too upset to eat I don't know what it is I just can't eat. I put my phone away and watch Fae color a picture of a puppy hugging another puppy and she wrote Fae under the puppy with a pink collar and Alex under the puppy with the blue collar.

Fae hands me the picture and smiles. "Thank you." I said

I folded it up and put it in my sweatshirt pocket. Fae fell asleep on the plane and when we were landed she started hyper ventilating so I grabbed her hand and made it so we were the first ones off the plane I picked her up and ran her to a drinking fountain and told her to drink some water and take deep breaths we sat there for about 5-10 minutes and she seemed to calm down so we walked to the luggage area and there was Justin Ashley and Haden. I grabbed her luggage then mine Fae grabbed my hand and we walked towards the "family".

"Where did you guys go?" asked Ashley

"I took her to the bathrooms she had to go to the bathroom really bad." I said

"Sorry mommy I almost had an accident." said Fae

Justin grabbed Fae's arm and pulled her with lots of force.

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