Don't Over Think It

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05: Don't Overthink It

The two women made their way slowly back to Davis Park. Casey found herself glancing over often at Amelia. Drawn in first by her beauty, now Casey found she felt drawn to the woman in a different way. She was both attracted to her and comforted by her.

"Okay Casey?" Amelia raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Wow." Casey's eyes widened and her breath caught slightly at the look on Amelia's face. "Yes. Absolutely."

The women walked by the bike racks at the edge of the park so Casey could pick up her bike. She walked with Amelia back to her truck. For a few moments Amelia stood leaning against the silver, full cab, 4-door, GMC Sierra and Casey stood facing her, rolling her bike gently back and forth between them. Her helmet swung from the handlebars. The two women silently considered each other and their own thoughts.

"So, Casey." Amelia wanted desperately to ask Casey a series of questions that Natalie would surely not approve of. It was almost painful for Amelia to 'keep it light' and the unspoken questions hung in the air.

"Yes? " Casey watched Amelia carefully. She could see contemplation wash through her beautiful eyes.

"I'd like to do this again. It's been a while for me. The whole dating thing. Lately after the initial meet up I've been reluctant. So, I might not be very good at it." Amelia grinned, "I talk to the oranges a lot but I don't get much feedback from the fruit."

Casey grinned back, "Don't worry about it. I've been out of the game for a while too. We can just knock around and just see what happens." Amelia nodded in agreement but Casey sensed some hesitation from the woman and silence fell over them again as Amelia continued to consider Casey's suggestion. Casey broke the moment in an attempt to draw Amelia out of her deep thoughts. "Amelia, that's one heck of a monster you have there."

Amelia blinked refocusing and glanced back over her shoulder. "Yeah, it's a farm truck, not mine, but basically mine."

"It's impressive and," Casey grinned gazing directly into Amelia's blue eyes, "I've seen trucks this big, but I've never been inside one. I became a city girl."

"Oh! Well then," A smile spread slowly across Amelia's face and she raised her eyebrow again. Casey felt a shiver streak down the entire length of her spine. "I'd be happy to show you the inside of the truck sometime."

Amelia began to lean over the bike that separated her from Casey. Casey immediately stopped moving the bike, her hands tensed slightly, one on the seat and one on the handlebars. She stood frozen. Amelia moved close to Casey's ear whispering through her hair. She was close enough she could feel heat rolling off Casey and she heard her breath stop. "The bed of the truck is huge and great for looking at the stars. If you're nice to me I might even let you drive."

Casey laughed lightly, turning just slightly toward Amelia. Casey took a deep breath and Amelia's skin smelled sweet and vaguely familiar. Casey couldn't quite place the smell but it pulled at her memories. She whispered back, "I can't wait but," Her lips barely brushed over a tendril of red hair and Amelia shivered, feeling both the hair tickle her neck and Casey's breath break over her skin. "I don't have a license ... so ..."

Amelia shifted back to her side of the bike and smiled in amusement. "Really?! Not even for I.D.?"

Casey grinned, "Nope. City mouse. Never really needed an I.D."

"Huh." Amelia's gaze shifted into space and her mind started working overtime. Something about that seemed really odd to her. She pondered to herself, "What about drinking? bars? rentals? getting a library card?"

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