The Orange Knows

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04: The Oranges Know

Saturday morning Casey found she was constantly looking at the clock. The morning seemed to drag. The night before she tried to recapture the last time she went on a "date." Between the travel and the tribulations of the past two years it had been quite a while. There had been some flirtations and a couple of short intense encounters while she globe trotted. But it had been a while and for the most part she was focused on her time exploring the world. She trekked, biked, and dived, basking in nature's wonders.

One of the few things she kept from her old life was a number of hardcover Moleskine journals she filled with sketches and drawings of the places she saw and people she met in her travels. On occasion she would pull out the books and revisit those memories.

At 12:15 Casey was still working with a customer and she was getting a little nervous about the time. "So, you're new to trail running?" Casey watched the face of the middle aged man carefully.

"Oh no. I'm an avid hiker and I love the outdoors. I'm out several times a week." He grinned at Casey and it was evident to her that he was likely embellishing for her benefit.

"Okay then. I tend to like shoes that still allow me to 'feel' the trail beneath me with a wider toe-box for spread. Since the terrain can be so rough and the chances for injury are higher running on trails, I'd prioritize the footbed over the toe box." Casey paused to check for comprehension.

"Oh right! Absolutely!" The man grinned.

"Okay, I like Altras, they do well on both parts. Saucony has a good shoe too, but I don't like the rise as much. I like to be a little more forward on my foot if I'm running. It's just personal. I'll go grab you a couple of choices to try out."

Parker smiled at Casey as she passed. He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed lightly. Casey shook her head and rolled her eyes. It took another 30 minutes of flirting before the man pulled the trigger and bought a pair of shoes and 3 pairs of socks. "Thank you so much Casey! Maybe I'll see you on the trails."

"You bet! Come back and see us if you have any problems with the shoes." Casey sighed deeply after her sale walked out the door.

"You earned that one Case!"

"Yeah." Casey glanced at the clock, "Am I good to go?"

"Sure Darlin' have a great time."

"Thanks Parker!" Casey stopped quickly to freshen up in the bathroom and change her shirt. The bike ride over would be quick. She grabbed her small Patagonia sling and 'lid' and walked out the door.

"What time is it?"

"Ten minutes later than the last time Mel! Jeez. Anxious much? At this rate you're going to come off as completely neurotic." Natalie laughed out loud.

"Thanks. That makes me feel so much better." Amelia rolled her eyes. "Are you okay to cover back at the farm today? I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, no problem! Mia and I will pick some more berries, you keep giving away all our stock."

"Haha! And thanks."

"Of course, just promise to relax. Enjoy the afternoon. And by that I mean keep it light and fun Mel!"

"Okay, I'll do my very best."

"Jesus!" Natalie's eyes drifted over Amelia's shoulder and she saw Casey moving through the quietening farmer's market. She was wearing mid-thigh cargo shorts, a scoop neck t-shirt and sneakers with no-show socks. The look accentuated her legs making them look long, strong, and graceful. She carried her helmet and had a sling crossed over her chest in a surprisingly attractive manner.

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