Super Creepy

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02: Super Creepy

"Sooooo?! How'd it go?!" Natalie's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement.

"Hang on Nat, I'm barely in the door. Can I sit down?!"

"Amelia?! How'd it go?!"

Amelia relaxed, collapsing back into a corner of the sofa. "Ugh, it was painful. Not even the alcohol made it better."

"Oh come on Mel! What?! What was it this time?!" Natalie rolled her eyes in frustration.

"Nat, stop! It's not like I'm super picky! Smells, unibrows, and lethargy make a difference to me!"

Natalie rolled with laughter, "Okay so, what was it this time."

"She was just not my 'speed.' Sometimes I hate living in a college town. I mean really, how many selfies can one take in a single evening. And what's the deal with vaping? It's still smoking. Bubblegum flavored smoke is still smoke. Why can't people just have a conversation without posting that they've learned a new vocabulary word? Like normal people."

Natalie was shaking with laughter and beginning to tear up. "Stop it! She didn't!"

"Yes! She did! Rude! Also, the fact that she didn't know what the word 'nocturnal' meant?! Come on. Then I couldn't stop thinking about what other vocabulary words she didn't know."

Natalie's voice dripped with thick sarcasm. "Hey, listen we can't all have Anthropology and Philosophy degrees and put them to use picking fruit from trees. Don't be so pretentious!"

Amelia smirked. "Shut up." Her eyes softened and she considered the possibility that she was just generally off-putting. "It's the only superpower I have. That and apparently I'm super picky. I can't help it."

Natalie heard subtle emotion echo in Mel's voice and she backpedaled. "It's okay, it's not that bad. So, was she into you?"

"Um, I think she was into herself. A Lot. Adrita's a recent grad too. She's looking for a job in 'a city.' So it's not like there was any future there. I guess I wasn't her 'speed' either."

"Mel, you need a relationship without a future. You've got to have some fun. You have got to shut that mind of yours off. It's getting in the way of life. And by that I mean sex." Natalie's eyes were still laughing but Amelia could hear the sincerity in the observation shining through and a quiet, reflective moment fell over the two women inviting in the silence. Natalie winked trying to lighten the mood. "If it wasn't for Eryk, I'd be all over that!"

Amelia smirked, "Thanks Nat." She sighed deeply, "I'm trying, it's just hard."

Natalie nodded in understanding and leaned across the couch hugging Amelia and whispering through her hair. "I know Mel." Natalie shifted and kissed Amelia lightly on the forehead. "Market tomorrow. See you then?"

"You bet, love you."

"Me too." Natalie rose from the couch and left Amelia to reflect quietly in the dark. Her mind would not release her.

Parker sat with Casey at the picnic table having a quiet moment just after lunch. Parker noticed that Casey was already looking better. There was color in her skin, her hair was thick and shiny, and she looked healthy. Her eyes didn't sparkle like they did when she was a kid and Parker worried that they might never do that again. "Casey, how are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah Uncle ... um sorry ... Parker. Why? Has someone complained?"

"No Darlin! Everyone loves you. Honestly, now that they know I can live with a woman, even if she's my niece, everyone loves me a little more too!"

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