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Chapter 42

We ended up at the field where he had first kissed me. We didn't say much, we just sat down as we had for years before, and looked up at the clouds. The sky was clear this morning, the sun shining low in the morning sky. Micah wrapped his arms around his legs, looking over the horizon as I picked at my skirt.

"Do you remember that day?" He asked, looking over at me for a second. I raised an eyebrow, causing him to paint a small smile across his face. "The day of the festival." I nodded.

"Of course I do," I whispered. "It was a good day." I reached over and took his hand. He looked back to the horizon.

"Yes it was." He said. After a moment's silence, he tilted his head to the side. "You know, I always knew you were too good to be true, Cora." I scrunched my eyebrows as a small laugh escaped my lips.

"What do you mean?"

"I always knew you'd never go through with it." He smiled and touched my face. "You're something special, and I knew that I'd never be enough for you." I frowned.

"Micah, that wasn't it." He shook his head.

"You crave adventure, and as much as you hate to admit it, you are so damn prideful. You fight it all the time, but you and I both know you get a funny little twist in your belly every time someone addresses you as Your Majesty." I scoffed.

"Only because I'm scared I'm going to fall down whatever staircase they're forcing me to walk down!" I tried to defend myself. He laughed.

"Cora, it's not a bad thing. You're not as prideful as say... Jordan, or..."

"Elijah." I tried to snap.

"No," He shook his head. "Elijah is actually not as bad as you. If anything he'll keep you grounded." I shook my head and stared off into the horizon pouting out my bottom lip. Micah nudged me.

"Hey, he'll be good for you. I'm not angry you chose him. He's a good man, Cora."

I looked over at him growing increasingly uncomfortable. "I don't think I'll marry him."

"Cora, you're not the marrying kind." Micah laughed. "But some how I think he'll talk you into it." I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"I'm glad you came to the palace. I'm glad you stayed my friend through all of this silliness." He looked out over the fields, the fields we'd ran through as children, the fields that we'd grown up in, and smiled a carefree smile. He hadn't smiled like that since I left.

"Only you would call war silly."

"It was silly! It literally began because two men both wanted to marry the same woman. Imagine how insane it would have been if you and Elijah had started a war over me!" I laughed. He pursed his lips, contemplating the idea, then he shook his head.

"No, you're not worth it." He said, making me hit his shoulder as we both burst out laughing. "Elouise, she I could see someone fighting over."

"I knew it!" I laughed. "Good lord, I can't imagine you two together. She never speaks and you never shut up!" He glared.

"Well you and Elijah aren't exactly perfect either!" He snapped. "Good lord, your arguments are going to tear the palace to the ground. Thank everything good in the world that I don't have to be the one to argue when you're being a hardheaded ninny-muggins." I gasped, narrowing my eyes. Our bantering continued for a while, both of us falling into our old rhythm of friendship.

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