Chapter Seven.

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With each passing day I got sicker and sicker until I couldn’t eat or drink anything for fear of throwing it back up; partly due to morning sickness and partly due to the stress that the nightmares placed on my body. They came back with vengeance as I began stressing about the future and the baby. Before I’d gotten at least a few hours’ sleep most nights but now I was haunted by memories and plagued by fatigue.

It had been three weeks since I’d discovered I was pregnant, three weeks since I’d talked to anyone but my fathers; I didn’t want them to find out. Eventually I knew that they would though and I would be alienated further.

There was a knock on my door and it opened to reveal two very worried wolves. “Eve you need to see the pack doctor; you’re not well.”

I went to protest but Ace scooped me up, blanket and all, before carrying me out the door and through the pack house, down to the medical wing in the basement. He laid me on the bed as the pack doctor walked in with a small smile. “It’s good to see you again Eve; I just wish that it could be under better circumstances.”

I nodded but honestly I didn’t care; he’d been kind to me when I was a teenager but not overly so. He hadn’t really cared before and I doubt he did now. The next hour was filled with me being questioned, poked and prodded. He drew blood, weighed me, measured my blood pressure, got a urine sample, went over my medical history, did countless ultrasounds and physical and an internal pelvic exam.

By the end I was stroppy and tired, I had a picture of my baby though from the ultrasounds and it was both unsettling and amazing to think that there was a life inside me.

The doctor put me on a drip because I was severely dehydrated and ordered that I eat saline crackers; all under his watchful eye.

“Do you want to come have a movie night with us?” Hansel asked as the extracted the drip. I’d been sitting in the medical wing for several hours and it had grown dark outside from what I could tell.

“What movies are you watching?” I asked, slowly sitting up.

Ace smiled as dad listed the movies and surprise, surprise, it was action movie night. I absentmindedly rubbed my dog tags as I walked behind them slowly. We stopped at the kitchen and they gathered bags of food before we headed towards the cinema.

Inside there were around twenty people; many whom I recognised. These were the men and women who helped the pack function; the high rankers.

Jenna sat in the back with Klaus, snuggled up under a blanket with him. Davy sat with Elliot, Jenna’s daughter and the twins, Caine and Alex. They were all grown up; the boys were beginning to fill out and I’m sure that they would’ve been much taller than me if they stood. The boys were a mix between Klaus and Jenna, but Elliot looked exactly like her mother, but with Klaus’s green eyes.

I spotted Ivan, the head enforcer, and his mate Shelby among the others as my dad’s took a couch off to the side. I stood by the door, watching as they all joked around with each other and got settled for the movies. They were all so happy and such a tight family unit.

I felt eyes on me and I met Jenna’s gaze. Looking around the room once again I shook my head and backed out, closing the door behind me.

I didn’t belong.

I felt better after the doctor’s appointment and I was too cooped up here. It was a fairly warm night so I slipped into a pair of borrowed swimmers from Jenna and jumped in the pool, heated to be at just the right temperature that it wasn’t a shock to my system.

I was completely alone as I rested against the pool ledge and stared out into the blackened forest, the pool lights casting a glow on my arms as I relaxed. I guess that everyone else was inside with their friends and family.

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