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01: TNT

Perry Garrison stopped speaking and studied the young lady sitting across from him carefully. He had known Casey Roe for years as the family lawyer, but had also come to see himself as a family friend. His heart ached for Casey, up until recently she led a charmed life. Over the past several months her world began to crumble one implosion after another, her life viciously blown apart.

Sitting in his office Casey looked worn thin, exhausted. The 25-year old looked like she aged prematurely. Her normally rich brown, long hair was dull, there was no sparkle of life in her uniquely golden eyes. She looked washed out and like she was frail. "Casey, Sweetheart? Do you understand what I just said?"

Casey's eyes moved slowly up and she blinked in an effort to focus. "Yes Perry, I understand. All our assets are frozen. I have nothing, I have nobody." Casey was surprised that in the moment she felt distant and numb. Perhaps she just could not process any more.

"No Casey, you have me. I will continue to represent you, I'll look out for you. You have Mallory, she loves you too." The girl nodded slightly and continued to stare into space. Perry sighed and continued,"Your father's and your mother's estate has been frozen. Jasper's as well. That includes accounts and all real estate." Perry waited until Casey blinked and met his eyes,"Casey, your parents made some mistakes but they kept you out of it and that is very fortunate. I will make sure that you are not connected to the legal matters. Don't worry."

"Thank you." Casey heard her voice and it sounded as if it belonged to someone else.

"There is an account in your name, unconnected. But it does not mature for another 15 years. I can get that liquidated for you but there will be a significant penalty, you'll lose almost ½ of the value. The government will take it's cut."

Casey raised her eyes slowly to Perry. "Is it 'dirty'? Is the money, you know, tainted?"

Perry sighed with compassion and smiled softly. "No. Your father opened this account shortly after his move to the city. One for you and one for Jasper. When you were just kids. He contributed steadily from his salary for several years. Directly from his paycheck." Perry grimaced, "Jasper's is frozen until they find him. You are free to access yours. You are a victim in this mess too."

"Okay, thank you." Casey didn't feel like a victim. She felt like a spoiled brat. She had been living the life of the top 1% just 10 months ago. She wasn't afraid of hard work but she knew she was privileged.

At 25 years old Casey was well traveled having taken a dozen different trips throughout her college years. She spent most of last year traveling the world in the obligatory 'I graduated, so I get to take a year off and travel the world' phase of the wealthy and elite. Most kids her age were hiking and walking in the woods around their homes not flying off to exotic locations. It was to be her last big 'hurrah' before she got a 'real' job.'" When she returned home and found that her father was caught stealing millions from World Media Corp. That the money had allowed her entire family to indulge over the past several years, she was shattered with sorrow and guilt. "How much?" Casey held her breath.

"If you liquidate now and walk away you'll have roughly $140,000." Perry watched Casey's face carefully. "I know that sounds like a significant sum of money. But your lifestyle cannot continue as it has been. I would advise you to buy a reasonable car, find a place to rent, get out of the city, and get a job."

"I know. I'm not staying here. No family. No friends. Please liquidate everything, I need to go."

Perry winced he wanted to remind Casey that he was her friend but he let it go for the moment. "Okay. Where are you staying now? Where will you go?"

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