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   "Ethan! we can explain—" Angie started, until she realized the tears pouring down my face at this point. If it wasn't for what happened earlier, I would be happy right now for Jack and Angie. I always knew how much he cared for her. Right now though, I couldn't even crack a smile. "Oh my god, Ethan, what happened?"

    "They k-kissed. I knew it was too good to be true. It's all over." I managed to choke out between hiccups and cries.

     "What's over? Who kissed?!" They shouted in unison.

      As if on cue, Tobias came barging in the bathroom shouting my name. All our heads snapped to the swinging door to see the devil himself. I walked up to Angie and could do nothing but cry in her arms. I knew I was missing class, we all were at this point, but I couldn't be around anyone but my friends right now.

     "Ethan, please. It wasn't what it looked like!" He pleaded. It seemed like everytime something was going good for us, something always ruined it. Angie held me right while Jack stared Tobias down. Then the unexpected happened.

     Jack punched Tobias

    Gasps from me and Angie filled the room while the tension thickened.

     "That's for fucking with my friend. . . again." He looked back at us while Tobias held his face in pain. That's all he did, he didn't retaliate or yell, nothing. It was almost has if he knew he deserved it. "Angie let's go. . ."

    Angie looked at me and gave me eyes of reassurance, ones I gave back to her. Almost like a telepathic message telling her I'd go to her if anything happened. I released her from my hold and watched as they left, leaving Tobias and I alone in this dirty school bathroom.


     That's all that filled the room. Until a weak "why" escaped my lips.

     "Baby, please. I didn't kiss him. We were talking and the next thing I know, he leaned in and kissed me. I pushed back immediately."

     "Yeah, cause I d-dropped my phone."

     "No, regardless of that, I pulled away. I have no feelings for Dylan. I care for him as a friend, I had no idea he felt that way about me. I've always cared about you, only you. . . please you have to believe me, I can't lose you again. Please."

      I know when someone's lying. There's always that gut feeling that tells you when someone isn't being truthful to you. Like when my mom tells me she loves me no matter if I'm gay or not. . . I can tell it's a lie. She loves me, of course, but if it was her choice, she'd have a straight son. It's little things lies like that, you can tell the moment you hear them. . . they're lies.

     I didn't feel that from Tobias. As hurt as I was, all I could do was listen and everything he was telling me. . . sounded like the truth. As heartbreaking it was to see Tobias kiss another guy, I believed him when he said he was didn't initiate it.

    Without realizing, Tobias was already up close to me. His eyes pleading nothing but forgiveness.

     "Please, baby."

     I looked up into his beautiful green eyes, ignoring the redness forming from his right eye, where Jack punched him. Slowly, I laid my fingertips on his checkbone, where he hissed in pain.

      "You deserved that punch." I said with a light smirk, before wiping away the last of my tears. His eyes lit up in relief before he leaned down to kiss me. All of our emotions poured into the kiss. A kiss I know didn't even compare to the one he shared with Dylan. The kisses we shared were mutual and filled with compassion and love. Tobias and I have overcome a lot, and I just couldn't throw that away yet.


During lunch time, Tobias and I decided to just skip the rest of the day, and enjoy each other's company. We drove to his house considering his parents were working and his little sister was at school. We took his dog on a walk and the whole way around, Tobias wouldn't stop apologizing. When we got back to his house, he just wouldn't stop. Now, here we are, in his room, and he still won't stop apologizing.

"Stop apologizing, I already forgave you." I pleaded.

"Ethan, you don't understand how much you mean to me." He said, looking down at me. We were laying in his bed, cuddled up, "You helped me in my lowest moments of heartbreak and I repaid you by breaking your heart. I won't do that again. I'm never going to let you feel less than or second choice. You're my number one right now, and that's where you're staying. So if I have to apologize a million times for some fucked up situation I was put it, I'm going to do it."

And for the second time today, I cried. Only this time in Tobias' arms and not Angie's. Through little tears, I gave him about a million kisses for each time he had apologized. Tobias was my number one too and it meant so much to hear it from him. Today could've went down so differently but it proved so much to me.

The Last Piece | BoyxBoy  [COMPLETE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin