Stuck in The Past

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Ethan's POV

I didn't know what to say. Having my whole high school experience change in a matter of 72 hours, was a lot to handle. First 24 hours consisted of Angie, Jack, and I going to the homecoming dance as friends. Mainly me as a third wheel but that's a whole other story. It was fun nonetheless. The feeling of excitement and genuine fun when you're with your friends, beats everything else going around you. Especially the fact that, Tobias not so secretly, was staring at me and watching everything I did. He wasn't even paying attention to his date that he clearly already got it in with before me, which was shocking. What topped off the whole night though, was when he grabbed my arm and dragged me out the room. I didn't have the guts to approach him so when he grabbed me, I was both relieved and shocked. Every word Tobias spoke, had every cell in my body tingling. No matter how long it had been since I looked him in the eye up close, It felt like we didn't have a second to lose. His date, my friends, everyone in the other room dancing, couldn't top the words that came out that boys mouth.

48 hours in, I spent the additional 24 with him, after explaining everything to Angie of course. That girl can be nosey when she wants to be, geez. I made sure to leave no detail out for MY benefit, cause I knew she'd grill me until I did tell her. Honestly, explaining everything was almost therapeutic. I learned of explaining everything start to finish, where things went wrong and given the second chance now, what we could do.

Now 72 hours later, the entire school had all their eyes on me. My image went from "new kid" to "the guy who turned Tobias gay." It never felt nice having people look at you yet this time for a change, I wasn't the only one getting looked at . It made me feel both happy and sad. Happy, cause I wasn't going through this weird phase alone yet I felt sad because, Tobias had to go through it as well. I also noticed a weird shift in his friend group which I prayed wasn't cause of me.

Only thing that hasn't changed, was my participation in gym. Yeah, that stayed nonexistent. I'm pretty sure I was failing, it's whatever. This school would never get a jog out of me. Tobias had no issue joining, same way I had no problem watching him participate. I noticed from a distance though, Dylan eyeing me. He looked both mad and confused. He hasn't hung out with Toby much, I've asked Toby about it but he brushed it off. I'm not stupid, I see the divide between them and it made me hurt more for Tobias.

I knew this was what he was afraid of.

After class, I didn't really take long to get ready considering I didn't change for class so I left the gym early and made my way to my next class. As I made my way to my next class, I realized, something was missing.

My phone.

I instantly went into search mode and raced back to the locker room where I must've left it. I open the doors and head straight to my locker. As I twisted the lock to enter my combination, I was relieved to find my phone there. Thank god. Too many grimy people in this school, willing to steal a phone.

"So that's it then? All those years of friendship gone all because I didn't tell you I had a little crush on a guy. One, I didn't even want to accept I had, in fear of losing my closest friends."

I froze. I could tell that was Tobias. I didn't know if I should show myself or not. I instantly put pieces together and knew he was talking about me. I slowly closed my locker, to not expose my presence.

"All these years. . . you've been dating girls, fucking girls. Yet, Ethan comes along and suddenly you're whole mindset changes? I don't believe you. It can't be him."

"The fuck? Why could it not be him? He's the one I want—"

"Because it was supposed to be me!"

Complete silence.

"We've known eachother for years and not once did you realize I was secretly falling for you. Yet he comes in, and sweeps you off your feet." he continued.

"Dylan, I didn't know."

"That was kind of the point. I kept it from you all this time, scared that if you knew, you'd stop being friends with me, and I'd rather have you in my life as my bestfriend, than as nothing at all."

My body was numb. It's like all my senses shut down, only leaving my hearing to listen to the words being said. I slowly, without even realizing, made my way closer to the sound, silently so they didn't know I was there. 


Right as I creeped my eyes out the corner, My eyes opened in shock. There they were, kissing.

I dropped my phone in shock.

"Shit" I whispered to myself. All of a sudden, I could see two pairs of eyes facing me, so I did the most logical thing I could think of,


I grabbed my phone as quick as I could and left without looking back.


I didn't realize the tears building up in my eyes at what I just saw. Tobias' bestfriend was secretly in love with him. They kissed. Of course the universe would put that situation on me. I was so caught up in my thoughts, my whole body feeling numb. I went into the first bathroom I could find, only to walk in on another crazy sight. Angie and Jack making out.

Fuck me.

Heyyy! How's everyone's summer been.
(lol this is me casually popping in, like if I haven't been gone in weeks....)
Just letting you guys know, My birthday is coming up in 9 days.... ahhhhhh, ya girl grownnnnnn.

lolz, comment what you thought about this chapter though :)

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