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Ethan's POV

"Emily, it's just homecoming. It's not a freaking ball!" I sighed in exhaustion. We've been running around this mall for a last minute suit. Last time I had to wear a suit was for my 8th grade promotion, so it's safe to say I need a new one.

"It might as well be a ball! Homecoming isn't something you wear jeans and a t-shirt to."

With that, I just kept my mouth shut and let her rummage through a rack of inexpensive suits in a small store we found in the sea of stores in the mall. It was a pretty cute place, I'm surprised not many people were in here.

While she slide her rejected choices down the clothing rack, I wandered around the store and found myself spacing out as I saw people walk outside the store, in and out of stores, some walking by to get to their designated store.

The more I looked, the more I realized familiar faces. Dylan and Cameron; Tobias' friends. I swear it's like, when ever I see them, I always end up seeing —

Like clockwork, in came Tobias, following behind them, clearly distracted on his phone. He has on dark jeans and a button up. The weather was getting cooler so the outfit fit the October breeze. For some reason, something made him look up and turn his head to the right, on the side of the store I was in.

Like a magnet, we made eye contact and the sudden feeling I got when looking at him, made me yearn for his touch again. Instead of following his friends, he froze in his spot while his friends paid no mind and kept walking.

Walk away Tobias, please.

It's like my body was forcing me to lock eyes on him but if he just walked away, then maybe my body would go back to normal. Yet, something deep inside of me wanted him to stay there looking, no matter how weird it may look to anyone else.

"Oh, look Ethan! go try this on and see if it fits!"

And just like that, I was out of my trance and back to reality. I turned to Emily and moved away from the store windows, so I wasn't in sight of him anymore.

Walking up to Emily, I noticed a dark yet settle royal blue suit in one hand and a light grey tie.

"Eh, I kinda just wanted to wear a turtle neck and some slacks. Maybe some dress shoes? I don't know."


"What? It's just what I see myself wearing, Emily."

The face she made didn't seem like an angry one but more of her thinking face. Honestly, when it came to her dressing me, I could never tell if it was a mistake or not. She took things over board sometimes.

"Okay, Fine. I'll start looking." She sighed. A smile creeper onto my face before I gave her a big hug.

"Thank you!"

"Yeah Yeah Yeah, thank me when I make you look ravishing! Trust me, All the boys are going to be on you."

I really just only wanted one boy on me.

"Okay Emily, go start digging."

"Excuse me, You can help you know."

"If I find something to wear, You won't get the credit of dressing me."

"Oh shut up, you just want to go stare at your little Tobias." Wait, What? She was looking when me and him were staring at each other? I thought she was nose deep in the clothing racks?, "What? You thought I didn't see that staring contest y'all were having? Y'all were practically eye raping each other." She said with a small chuckle.

"Okay! I get it, but he probably left the mall already, so there will be no more staring contest."

"Or eye raping, you forgot that one."


"What? I mean, it's been what? two? almost 3 months now? When are you going to suck it up and talk to the kid. He's clearly still into you."

Over the course of the few months Tobias and I haven't talked, I told Emily about it since I felt the most comfortable with her. She was my sister after all and was and will forever be my first supporter, so I figured telling her wouldn't be so bad.

"Wrong! He probably got over me as soon as I ended it. I've seen him walk around with a lot of girls recently."

"Oh shut up, have you ever heard of friends? Trust me, the way he was just looking at you, didn't seem like he moved on from you, it looked like he missed you."

"Okay Emily, you don't have to be so loud about it." We were practically the only ones in the store so it didn't matter but hearing her say those things were almost starting to get my hopes up, almost.

"What am I supposed to do? Fall for him again just to be his little secret?"

As she looked in the wool dressy shirt section, she began to lecture me, Oh how I love her lectures, "Ethan, how hard was it for you to finally come to realization that you like boys?" Okay, are we really going there?, " It seems to me that you swooped in and flip his gay switch on. He doesn't know how to handle it, same way you didn't know how to either."

Okay, she has a point. Ugh, she really does.

"Yeah, I hear you."

"Okay, now keep listening, I have one more thing to say." She turned to me and had a sneaky smirk on her face. Oh no," Homecoming night, you're talking to Tobias."


"I'm not saying you have to kiss and make up but a conversation would be nice. It's obvious you want to speak to him too, even though you're the idiot who stopped talking to him."


"What? It's the truth! now, I'm picking out your outfit and paying for it. The least you can do is talk to the boy — for me."

Am I really going to agree to this?


Let me know what you think about the chapter ! Also, "This Is What Makes Us Girls"
is officially going to be put under my care and get rebuilt to perfection for you guys.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, watch the trailer here !

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