Chapter 21

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Your POV

Lauren❤️: Goodluck today baby! Play your heart out and score me a goal! 😘

Me: Thanks babe. I wish you were here though.❤️

I smiled putting my phone back down on the bench next to me. I leaned down putting my skates on my feet and tying them. It's finally the last game of the season and my last game with this school, finishing with that championship would be incredible.

Lauren and I have been together for a couple weeks now and things have been going great. Our dates are always fun when we get a chance to actually go out, sometimes we just stay at her house or in my room and watch movies. She hasn't told her fans about us yet but everyone else knows and are seemingly very happy about us finally being together.

"You ready for this game?" Jen asked leaning back from tying her own skates. "Because I'm nervous as hell."

"Me too." I replied finishing up with my own skates and leaning back to look at her. "There's so many scouts here."

"I know." She nodded smirking. "You're gonna have a hard time choosing a school."

"You play like I know you can and you will too." I smiled patting her back and going back to my gear.

"Macks not playing." She stated after a second looking at me again and I gave her a confused look. "She pulled a muscle in her leg and can hardly walk."

"Well I mean that's good for us." I stated. "But not for her. Is she okay?"

"She'll be fine but she's upset about not getting to play this game." The blonde answered.

"Damn. She was really excited for this." I frowned a little. "That's sad."

"Everyone decent?" Our coach opened the door a little and yelled.

"One second!" One of the other girls yelled back causing everyone to rush and put on the rest of their gear. "Okay! We're all good!"

The young man came in followed by two of our other coaches and a few other people involved with the team. He started his pep talk and mentioned the senior girls and this being our last chance at a championship. He went on to talk about our great year and how win or lose, we're still the best team and he's proud of us.

Finally the buzzer sounded signalling that the ice was ready for us. We all took one last look around the room before cheering and making our way out onto the ice. The other team doing the same thing as the crowd cheered.

"Wow, there's a lot of people here." Jen stated as was skated around our end of the ice.

"I know." I said looking up in the stands a little surprised to see my dad up there with his fiancée and family. At least he brought Emily.

We finished the five minutes we had for warm ups and met at the bench. We did out cheer and the starting line up skated toward centre ice. Everyone took their position and the referee blew his whistle, dropping the puck between me and the other centre men, who just happened to be Tori. God, I hope we kick their asses, especially hers.

The first period of the game was pretty uneventful and even between both teams. We both got about the same amount of shots, the goalies stopping all of them, leaving the score at nothing. The buzzer went and we all headed into the dressing room as the ice was going to be cleaned.

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