Chapter 4

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Your POV

I smiled to myself as I walked down the hall toward my locker. I had my music playing in my ears and I couldn't help but think about Lauren.

Was she going to kiss me when Dinah came out and interrupted us? She was looking at my lips. I wanted to kiss her but I knew I shouldn't. I'm probably over thinking it. Lauren would never like me like that anyway.

Deep down I know  she's probably going to forget about me in a week but Saturday night was amazing. Plus she's been texting me ever since. Actually, we haven't stopped texting since we met and she bumped into me.

"Good morning smiley." Jen smiled pulling a headphone out of my ear.

"Morning." I turned smiling at her.

"You're in an oddly good mood for a Monday morning." Luke stated.

"Oddly good mood for any morning." Jen corrected him so I gave her a playful glare. "What's this about?"

"Nothing, I had a good weekend that's all." I answered honestly.

"Something must have happened." Luke smirked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I laughed.

"Try us." Jen smirked. "You probably just started a new show on Netflix or something."

"Actually, it was way more interesting than that." I stated.

"Oh yeah?" Luke questioned. "Did you buy a new hockey stick?"

"Nope." I said turning around and taking my books out of my locker.

"Wait!" Jen exclaimed after moment. "You hung out with the coffee girl didn't you!"

"Maybe." I smiled again. "She might have been there."

I smiled as my phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out, smiling when I noticed the name.

Lauren☕️: We leave for LA tomorrow. 😔

Me: Why are you sad about that?

Lauren☕️: Because I want to hang out with you again.

An even bigger smile made its way onto my face after reading that text. I started to type my reply when my phone was snatched out of my hands.

"Jen!" I yelled causing other people in the hallway to look at me.

"Her names Lauren." Jen showed Luke my phone. "Looks like she's a California girl!"

"Awh she wants to see you again." Luke cooed pinching my cheek.

"Give it back guys." I said holding my hand out but they continued playing with it. "Guys!"

"Shut up Y/N." They laughed still looking at my phone.

I reached out and tried grabbing my phone but I wasn't fast enough. Luke quickly held it above his head so I couldn't reach it.

"Luke please." I begged.

"Magic words." Luke smirked.

"No, just give me my phone back." I said trying to jump and reach it.

"You have to say the magic words." Jen laughed.

"Luke is the sexiest man on the planet." I said rolling my eyes.

"And?" Luke grinned lowering the phone a little.

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