Him and Me- Twenty Five.

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“Wait, so if you’re here, who’s watching Cam?” I asked, curious. Colby and I just finished the waffles, and were now having coffee. The coffee was pretty good, too. Flavorful, and the aroma was just to die for. I flushed mine with lots of milk, while Colby’s remained black and unsweetened. With a wrinkled nose I had asked why he didn’t put sugar or milk in it. His reply was that coffee was the healthiest in its blackest form.

This came from a guy who just wolfed down two huge burgers, two huge plates of fries, a coke, and waffles.

Colby took a sip of his coffee and settled the blue cup back on the table before answering.

“Aunt Susan enrolled him in an art class, I think.” Another sip.

“Really eh?” I asked.

He nodded. “In the museum.”

An image of Cameron with a paintbrush in hand and that little painter’s hat flashed through my mind. Too adorable. A smile stretched across my face. I missed that little guy.

“How’s Cam anyway?” I asked, stirring a spoon around my coffee. I watched the small whirlpool that my action created, and a couple of little bubbles broke through the surface.

“He’s doing great. Getting more hyper every day, but it’s part of growing up, I guess. Cute as always, seeing as he’s related to me,” Colby replied cheerfully.

“Right,” I muttered under my breath.

His arm went around my shoulders, startling me. I shot him a glare, which he met with a wide grin.

“I am so glad you agree,” he said happily as he gave my shoulders a squeeze. I rolled my eyes as I shrugged his arm off, but I chuckled nonetheless. After all, Cameron was cute. And Colby was, too. In a goofy, nutty kind of way.

“Nutcase,” I muttered once again, and Colby held up a finger in my face and waved it in a I-caught-you fashion.

“I heard that!” He exclaimed, a frown on his face. Again I rolled my eyes, and this time it was Colby who laughed.

The elderly couple had already gone, and we were left alone in the diner with the two old men, who were seemingly involved in an engaging conversation, and the young guy, who was now reading a comic book.

Looked like Colby’s stories were correct, somewhat.

No new presence had came in. Briefly I wondered how the diner managed to keep up the business.

Colby gulped down the rest of his coffee before announcing that he had to go to the wash room. I nodded and waved him off. My cup was still half filled with my white coffee, and once again I stirred it, before taking a sip.

I began to trace the little chips on one corner of the table. Colby was taking quite a lot of time in the wash room. The clown suit probably was giving him a hard time. I chuckled at the thought, as my index finger grazed a slightly rough chip.

Suddenly, a shadow crossed over my table, and I lifted my eyes, assuming that Colby was back. My eyebrows rose in surprise when I saw the young guy standing across from me, his comic book in hand, the table between us. Now that I had taken a good look at the guy, he was kind of cute. He was pale, with messy blonde hair and dark brown eyes, almost black. He looked to be about twelve or thirteen years old. A small, shy smile appeared on his face, making his eyes crinkle slightly at the corners.

“Hi,” he croaked out, his voice breaking. Clearing his throat as a blush spread through his cheeks, he repeated his greeting.

I smiled back. “Hi.”

Him and Me.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz