Fifty four.

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You know what’s one of the best feelings in the world?

Being enveloped in a cocoon-like hug.

And when it was your boyfriend, who you love very much, that held you, the feeling was overwhelming and you’d wish it would never end.

I knew that he had to leave soon, given that it was early morning and I couldn’t have him be caught by my mom. We were sort of lucky since my mom got in incredibly late last night and was probably still zonked out, but then again, I wouldn’t want us to be placed in a very, very awkward situation.

His lips peppering light kisses on my shoulder made it so hard to kick him out, though.

“You have to sneak out soon,” I murmured, a sigh escaping my mouth when his lips landed on the crook of my neck.

“Just a few more minutes,” he whispered back as he tightened his hold around my waist.

I closed my eyes. Last night was incredible—I had never felt such sensations in my life. Sure, we had a few awkward moments, and they were mortifying, but Colby had made me feel comfortable despite being a little awkward himself. What made it more lovely was the fact that we shared our first time together and I knew that it would remain special forever.

“Do I have to sneak out your window?” Colby asked, his lips still grazing my skin.

“Probably,” I replied. I angled my head towards him and he quickly kissed me. I smiled, and added, “You think you’re athletic enough for that?”

He reared back and shot me a wry look. “Are you saying I can’t climb out your window?”

I bit back a laugh. He looked incredibly offended, it was funny. I shrugged, appearing nonchalant. “I don’t know, you tell me.”

“Of course I can!” Colby whisper-shouted. “It’s only what, a couple of feet down?”

Rolling my lips inside my mouth, I just nodded, but when I caught sight of Colby’s still wary expression, I barked a laugh and immediately clasped my hand over my mouth. His eyes narrowed.

“Don’t you ever question my athletic abilities,” he hissed, but a playful tone colored his voice. His lips then stretched to a smirk, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You sure didn’t mind my abilities last night.”

My cheeks caught on fire and I felt my jaw drop open. Okay, so that was true, but that didn’t mean he could use it against me! Plus, it was his first time, too—I had no idea why he had to be so cocky about it.

“I..uh,” I stammered, much to my mortification. His smirk widened. Oh God.

There was nothing left to do, so I punched his arm that was wrapped around me.

He hissed, exaggeratedly, may I point out, and said, “I was just teasing!”

“Well, you shouldn’t tease about it, it’s not proper manners,” I retorted.

Colby raised his eyebrows. “And you’re an expert on proper manners after making love?”

A delicious warmth flooded my chest at his words, accompanied once again by a furious flush in my cheeks. Making love. That was what we did. We made love, and it was beautiful.

I shook my head, suddenly overcame with emotions. Did making love do this? Wreck your hormones and make your chest felt like there’s a weight—a good weight—tugging at your heart? Or maybe, or most probably, that was just what love, and love alone, did.

Colby’s face became soft, and pure tenderness radiated from his eyes. Then I knew, he felt that weight, too. His face inched closer to mine and I met his lips, and we shared a kiss.

Him and Me.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ