Him and Me- Forty Seven.

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I could sense that Colby was dying to ask where we were going, but the determined, yet anxious expression on my face must’ve kept his mouth shut. As I dragged him to my truck a couple of minutes ago, he was spewing out questions at a rapid rate that I wasn’t able to catch most of his queries, but it was mostly because I was rooted deep in my thoughts.

He had said that he wanted me to meet his mother. I would love that, and I did hope to get to do that someday. Colby had already met my mom several times, and I was grateful that he hadn’t dropped me yet because of my mom. Okay, that was a little exaggerated because my mom was super awesome, but sometimes I just really wish she would not embarrass me too much.

Keep on dreaming, Kayla.

Meeting the parents. It would either end up well, or end up as a disaster. Still, it was something that, in a way, made relationships more cemented, more grounded, more free.

Colby darted glances at me every five seconds, and I could tell that he was still concerned. I suddenly wanted to apologize for making him worry, but he would understand. He would understand when we get there, to where we were going.

Just a couple more blocks, a right turn, and a few meters to go.

My heart picked up speed just when my truck made the turn. I started to press my foot on the brake, and the truck came to a stop in front of a huge, towering gate.

The gate that would lead to the cemetery.

I finally met Colby’s gaze, and understanding was clear in them. As I stared at those bright green eyes, filled with a whirl of emotions that my own eyes were probably displaying as well, I felt the corners of my mouth tipped up in a small smile.

“Wanna meet my dad?”


Colby’s hand gripped mine tightly as we made our way through the mazes of tombstones. It might be weird for some people, but I actually felt comfortable among all these marbles and fancy letterings. As a kid, I had always visited my dad any chance I get, together with mom and Matty. My visits started to lessen when I grew up, but that didn’t mean that I forgot about my dad. After all, he was permanently lodged in my heart.

I often talk to him, still. I just wasn’t able to visit him as often. I told him about meeting Colby, about Kyle, about how school was going. I told him about my summer, about volunteering at Corwin’s and how he had inspired my best friend to join me. I told him about all the recent events that happened in my life, too. How Colby and I fought and how Tyler brought us back together. How Colby played the guitar for me and sang, and how he had told me that he loved me.

Despite being left by my dad at a young age, I had always promised myself that when I meet a guy worthy enough, and whom I would fall in love with, with all my heart, I would take him to meet my father.

Colby was that guy.

My father’s grave was on a solitary area of the cemetery, near a tree. When we finally reached his resting place, Colby let out a shaky breath.

“Is it weird that I’m actually nervous about meeting your dad?” He whispered at my ear.

Was it weird that I found it sweet that he was nervous?

I shot him a smile. “Don’t worry, he doesn’t talk back.”

There was a moment of silence as Colby just looked at me, then he burst out laughing, the sound echoing across the empty space. I fought to keep a straight face, though my cheek muscles were already twitching as I wanted so much to laugh with him. Plus, he looked so handsome in his coat, I just wanted to kiss him right there. Instead, I cocked my head to one side and raised my eyebrows.

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