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My head was pounding.

That was all I could think of in this particular moment. That my head was pounding. And that these people around me talking didn't care how much I wanted to flip them all off.

"And nobody thought of actually informing me that this has happened?" I can hear Z's voice saying.

"Well, you are not a specialist, Z" I hear Derek say and a boy-sounding chuckle; who the hell was in here with us?

"Oh, screw yourself, you asked me once to come to the hospital's internship to become a nurse but I refused." She says and 2 boys this time laugh; okay, this is getting weird; like really, really weird.

"Hell no, I asked Lex, you just butted in." Derek says and they all laugh again. I try to move something in my body; anything, just to tell them I am awake.

After a lot of trying, I finally open my eyes. All the eyes in the room focus on me as the memories of last night's events dawn on me as I make out Noah and Chris standing there as well. I groan as I try to sit up but my arms give out and I fall back again. Z helps me sit up and puts a pillow behind my back as I smile gratefully at her. She smiles back as she sits beside me and pats my hair a bit. I look at the clock ad see it was already 5:30 pm.

"How are you feeling, Lex?" Derek says, taking a wet cloth off my forehead. How did I not feel this?

"I.." I trail off as my throat burns me a bit, Z gets me a glass of water and I chug it down gratefully, looking appreciatively at her.

"I am good." I finally say in a tired voice. He nods and then puts a thermometer in my mouth. We all sit on the bed as they all stare at me. Noah turns suddenly to Zach and starts saying something in a low voice as I decide to eavesdrop.

"Hey man, sorry for being a jerk downstairs." Noah says. Zach grins goofily and shrugs.

"What are you talking about?" he says as Noah grins as well. They both return their gazes to Derek as he takes the thermometer out of my mouth and checks it.

"38.7 degrees, and that is after it did get down a bit. God, Alexa, why didn't you say anything? I thought, according to you, it was a slight fever." He says scowling at me. I hang my head in shame.

"I didn't want you to be worried." I say in a small voice.

"Guys, why all this fuss over a fever? Am I missing something?" Noah says dumbfounded. I sigh and smile a bit at him.

"There's nothing wrong, Noah, it's just Derek likes being my dad sometimes." I say. Zach shoots a glare at me as if saying 'You need to tell him' but I ignore him. Noah's mouth forms an 'O' shape as he nods. Derek glares playfully at me.

"Yes, Alexa, I like to be your 'Dad', and that means I have a job to go to, okay?" he says and I laugh, nodding at him. He kisses the top of my head, mumbling 'just as if I am your dad' which makes me chuckle and then gets up and heads to the door.

"Oh, and don't eat that much, Alexa, for you to actually heal." He says, walking out. I nod but then realize he can't see me.

"Zach, can you please come and help me return these stuff back to their places?" Z says, Zach nods and then smiles at me before going out with Z, then realization dawns me.

I am alone in my room with Noah.

He was sitting on a chair pulled up at the foot of the bed, his elbows resting on his knees. He looked like he was deep in thought. He looked at me and sighed.

"How are you feeling today?"I say. He nods and smiles widely.

"I am perfectly well, thanks to you." he says. I shake my head as if saying 'no problem' as the silence settles again.

Alexa. (#1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon