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"Well, this is awkward." She said.

I urged her to let me talk to him, and with a heavy groan she closed her eyes and I felt myself slide back into every crevice of my body again.

When I opened my eyes everything looked clear again.

He jumped back, probably noticing the change in my eyes.

"How much of that did you see?" I asked.

He got to his feet shakily, "Please don't kill me."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to kill you."

Noticing I still had the knife in my hand I tossed it casually behind me, trying to prove my point.

"See? Nothing to worry about."

"But you got stabbed and then got up and stabbed him. How is that even possible?"

"It's a really long story, not one I really have time to explain right now."

"What was wrong with your eyes? Why were you having some kind of one-sided conversation?"

"I really don't like repeating myself," I say. I'm surprised by the sass in my voice. It wasn't even the demons influence, at least I don't think it was. I just felt whole again, like the hole Randall had so carefully carved out was filled in again. Even if the thing that had taken up that space was questionable.

"I knew there was something messed up about you."

"Yeah, you caught me, big whoop," I said, scratching my forehead, accidentally smearing a bit of blood on my skin, "I'm going to assume it's understood that the police don't need to know about this."

"Don't worry," I could tell he still thought I was going to shank him or something, "I'll keep my mouth shut."

"Great," I said, walking over to a cloudy window and rubbing a small bit of the residue away so I could see out. There weren't any people walking around outside, but after a few minutes I saw headlights round the corner and slow in front of the building. My heart couldn't help but leap a little bit.

"Okay, I need you to make your way over to the front door. Don't touch anything, don't even get a little bit of blood on your shoes." I instructed. I almost creeped myself out by how calm I was, The urge to freak out was there of course, but there would be a time and place for that.

He did as I said, and as soon as he made his way over there Peter came rushing in through the door. The second I saw his face I wanted to break down crying. He was so distracted by his excitement at seeing me alive that he totally bypassed the dead body lying on the floor.

He dropped the stuff he was carrying and swept me up in a huge hug, swinging me around and yelling, "You're okay! I can't believe it."

I laughed as he put me down, but as soon as his eyes fell to my chest his face dropped. He reached up to touch the place where the purple material was torn and bloodied, and upon finding it almost fully healed, his face dropped even more.

"I had to," I said.

"No, you don't have to explain it. I just thought for a second that you wouldn't have to go through it."

"It's actually not so bad. I don't even hear anything in my mind like I thought I would."

He nodded slowly, "It won't be like that forever."

"I'll be okay." I tried to reassure him, but he didn't seem convinced.

A light cough redirected our attention to a very uncomfortable Ivan.

"Sorry to interrupt, But-"

I cut him off, "Go get inside the car that's outside."

He hesitated, probably trying to decide if following my orders was a good idea. I gestured towards the door and he begrudgingly went outside.

I texted the guard out in the car to take him to the house and be nice about it.

Once that was taken care of I turned my attention back to Peter.

We had some serious work to do.

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