Wakeup Call

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The smile immediately dropped from my face as I knew I'd made a terrible mistake.

I was stuck in here with something I didn't even know to be human, in the middle of the woods. My dad wouldn't be home for hours, no one would come looking for me here, and the neighbors wouldn't be able to hear anything from their house.

I was on my own, but I wasn't alone out here anymore.

I turned around slowly, not seeing anything at first, until I caught the flash of a hand behind the recliner.

I circled around slowly, so that I was between it and the door in case it came after me. It didn't move, but I could hear it panting.

I honestly did not want to get any closer, but for some unknown reason I did it anyway. It was slow but edgy, ready to spring at any moment.

I sidestepped so that I could get a fuller view of it crouching there. I saw a knee and an elbow, both covered in the familiar torn clothes.

And the I was met with a face, with the same blue eyes, except not nearly as hollow. In fact, they were wild.

I jumped, and as soon as I did he yelled out the most blood curdling scream I'd ever heard.

He lurched back and I screamed too, dropping the bag and bolting out the door. His screaming followed me half way down the road before it faded out.

I ran full force again this time, but instead of a stupid grin and happy tears I was just full of pure horror. Is just looked into the eyes of a dead man, and he'd been the one screaming.

I ran to my house, checking to make sure he hadn't followed me. When the coast seemed clear I ran in. Grabbing my purse, keys, pepper spray and Harley I ran straight to my car.

I tossed a grunting Harley in the passenger seat and locked the doors the second I was inside. I scanned the area again. Taking in the chicken and pig pins and the surrounding woods, but saw nothing that tripped any alarms.

I put the car in gear anyway and was out of there in a flash, speeding through the twisting country roads lie my life depended on it.

I had been stupid. So stupid.

I drive into town and waited for my dad to get off work. Harley and I hung out on a picnic table behind a gas station eating jerky and lounging in the shade.

I had no luck calming myself down. Every noise set me on edge. I matter how far away he was I always expected him to be standing right behind me.

When my dad got off work I insisted we go out to eat for some father daughter bonding.

He was perfectly happy about it, so we ate burgers at a small place with outdoor seating, but I couldn't eat much of mine.

When it began to get dusky I reluctantly agreed to go back home, wanting to be behind locked doors before dark.

We drove back in or respective cars, so I didn't have to try and hide my growing terror.

Getting back to the house I ushered us all inside.

"Are you okay Bo?" He asked as I circled around the living room, pulling on the windows to make sure they were locked.

"Yeah," I reassured him, " I'm fine, just that, Callie told me a few people had been robbed nearby. So can we do this just for a night or two? It would make me feel better."

"I didn't hear about that."

My mind swam, trying to cover my tracks, "Well you know Callie, she knows everything."

He looked skeptical so I pulled out my sweetest, most innocent face, "Please?"

With an eye roll he agreed and I continued around the house checking every door and window, not taking any chances.

Before I went to bed I asked him, "Could you maybe lock your bedroom door tonight too?"

He signed and nodded.

"Great! Thanks dad, love you." I kissed him on the cheek and ran back to my room, clicking my own lock behind me.

After checking and double checking my windows and doors I finally felt comfortable enough to lay down. But even a show I normally love didn't push it the scary thoughts.

I curled up under my covers and stayed there, watching the sun go down through the blinds.

My back pressed against the wall in a vain attempt to make myself feel safer, which was surprisingly effective.

The last few days of minimal sleep were finally taking effect. I could feel myself begin to drift off.

Until I heard a knock at the window.

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