Mom & Cameron

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I packed up my stuff the next afternoon before I left, since my room at my mom's was essentially just a mattress.

After all of my clothes and chargers were packed away I went and grabbed a few things from the bathroom.

I gave my dad a hug and was out the door with my backpack slung over my shoulder and snacks for the road.

The drive was about two and a half hours. But it was a nice way to prep myself.

Eventually I pulled up in front of her house. It was embedded deep in the suburbs, the kind of house you barely distinguish from its neighbors.

I pulled my bag out of the back seat and walked up to the door, ringing the bell.

It took a few moments before I heard a rustling inside and my mother appeared. She was wearing a summery dress and wedge heels.

"Bowen." She announced and opened the door wider to let me inside.

"Hey mom," I said, "How are you?"

"Fine, just fine," she shut the door behind me, "Cameron has some friends over right now, and I'm making penne rosa for dinner."

"Great." I tried to sound enthusiastic despite my stomach being full of cheddar popcorn and sour straws.

I drug my stuff up to my room, passing Cameron's open door. Peeking in I saw her sprawled across her bed with her friends as they played on their phones.

"Hey Cam." I waved as she turned her head. She waved back and turned around to her phone. I kept going until I got to my door.

The room was plain, the corners were filled with boxes and the bed was pristine, like it hadn't been slept on in a very long time.

Which it hadn't, I avoided this place. No matter how much I tried I couldn't make myself comfortable here. It was like staying with a stranger; sleeping in a guest room and not knowing which soaps it's okay to use in the shower.

She chose Cameron, this wasn't my home. It belonged to her, her daughter, and her new husband.

I set everything down and checked my phone. Callie had texted me a few days ago asking about the mysterious boy, but I was avoiding her questions. Since she was my cover story it would be harder to lie to her.

I put my phone away and laid down on the bed. Hugging one of the throw pillows, I thought about back home.

My dog there to run with me in the morning, my dad watching TV in the next room, and Peter there to fill the days with me.

That's where I wanted to be. I didn't want to be here and I didn't want to go to college. But things always change, whether you like it or not.

"Cameron, dinners ready!" Mom called. I heard the girls' footsteps thudding down the stairs and I followed a few paces behind.

I sat at the dining room table between happily babbling sixteen year olds and my mother and Sam, her new husband.

Mom talked about her students, she was excited for the upcoming school year. She talked about all the upcoming projects she had planned. Sam was a teacher too, health and PE. His stories were equally as enthusiastic.

I spent most of it staring at the floral Live Laugh Love wall art and eating the small heap of pasta in front of me.

The girls finished early and disappeared back into Cameron's room. I stayed behind and listened to my mom's stories about their trip to Disney World a few weeks ago.

I nodded along until she said, "Well it's time for us to turn in. If you have to use the bathroom tonight make sure to use the one down here. The toilet upstairs makes so much noise." She laughed and kissed me on the forehead before the headed to their room.

I lingered, not knowing what to do with myself. I paced through the house, admiring the old pictures.

There were Mom and Sam's wedding photos, professional portraits of Cameron, and a mess of her baby pictures. There were two of me, a baby portrait and my wallet sized freshman yearbook photo tucked in the corner of them with Mickey Mouse.

Tired, I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face before heading to my room and locking the door. After checking my phone again I laid down and tried my best to get myself to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to six missed calls from my dad. I rubbed my eyes and checked again. I was going to call but he beat me to it.

"Dad what's wrong?" My throat caught as I said it.

"It's the Lottes down the street, they've been murdered. I need you to come home right now."

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