Chapter Seven

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La Grande Vallée Psychiatric Hospital in Rochefort en Terre, France on 30 June 2016, 8:26 P.M.

It was one of those days again. It felt like the white walls were trying to suffocate me again all while the pills that were suppose to be long down the drain were coming back up. The floor was flooding with water, the toilet throwing up every colorful pill that was ever thrown in it. The barred windows were taunting me as they kept the windows forever closed; all while not giving enough sunlight for the rose. I looked at the fallen petals laying on the ground.

It was almost dead.

The rose was only holding one petal.

I stared at it, my eyes filling with hatred as the small breeze from the air conditioning blew threw the room, taking with it the one petal left to the ground.

I quickly sat up from the bed, gasping for breathe. My eyes scanned the room, immediately catching sight of the rose. There was nothing on it, all that say in the cup was the long stem.

I laid back down on the bed, curling up in a ball. I let my hands act as a pillow for my head as I laid their somberly.

"Adam? Are you okay?" Nurse Kayla asked curiously, walking into the room with a tray."You're usually up by now."

I didn't respond and only stared at the clock that was still in my line of vision. Kayla has became more friendly since Belle started coming around, changing me for the better.

"Don't you want to eat breakfast?" She asked and I still didn't respond. Once she got the hint that I wanted to be alone, she left the room, closing the door with the peeling paint and leaving me to lay in my sorrows. Today, was just another day of my life. It was another day with this bed, desk, and chair; this cold floor, barred windows, and disgusting toilet.

It was another day stuck in this hospital, this asylum.

Why am I still here? What was the point anymore? Those were the two questions continuously running through my head over the next few hours.

Eventually I lost track of the time as I laid there by myself only staring at the dead petals of the Rose while hearing the distant ticking of the clock. It wasn't until two knocks sounded on the door that I slowly sat up. Someone knocked.

"Come in." My voice was husky and felt almost foreign to my own ears.

"Bonjour, Monsieur." A man said hello, walking into the room. Surprisingly the door didn't shut behind him as an officer and a man in a nice suit walked in along with a beauty in a yellow dress with multiple designs on it, making her look more beautiful than ever before.


"I'm Mr. Mason Balt. We've met years ago when you first came here." He said with a friendly smile. I stared at him with suspicion. Were they going to move me to a jail now? Prison?

When I didn't respond he continued, "I am here to let you know that you are being released from containment here in La Grande Vallée, this Psychiatric hospital you've been staying at. I am sure that the clothes that you wore here no longer fit you since its been eleven years I think-"

"Twelve this year." I corrected, staring at him blankly. This didn't feel real, this couldn't be real.

"Yes, well, since they probably won't fit you now that you're a grown man, Belle, was kind enough to go out and get you a new outfit." He told me and I let my eyes shift to the smiling woman standing there with a pile of clothes in her hand.

"You're free, Adam." Belle said softly.

"Why is there an officer?" I asked accusing, looking at the man in uniform.

"I am here to give you the paper that shows that your time has been served and we are letting you leave now."He said giving me a tight smile as he handed me the packet of papers. I stared down at them in amazement.

"And you?" I asked looking at the other man.

"I'm here to have you sign these papers. If you don't mind others being here then I will continue talking." He said, glancing at the other three people in the room. When I didn't argue he continued. "Last year, you were informed that your parents died in an accident." He started and I listened carefully, watching as Belles eyes studied me for my reaction. I knew my parents had died last year in a car accident, it was nothing new and I didn't feel any sadness. I mean they let me get locked up in here and didn't come to visit even once.

"When that happened, we were required to not give you what was left in their will for you until you were released. Since you are being released now, it should be known that stated on page two and three of their will, your parents have left you with their house and their company in New York, New York. Additionally, you have been left with 100 million dollars." I didn't move nor did anyone else as we all stared at the man in amazement. My parents left me everything? Was this their way of an apology for everything?

"Um, okay?" I said completely dumbfounded and lost for words.

"If you can just sign here, here, and here." He said flipping the pages and pointing where to sign.

"What did they leave my brother?" I asked curiously.

"The rest of their funds which was about a half a billion." He told me as I signed my name across the line. It made sense if they left me the company then they had to leave him something to survive with.

My thoughts went back to the beginning of the month when he came to visit. "He lied. He told me he owned the company." I said and Belle just shook her head, her smile turning into a frown.

"He technically did own the company, at least, until now. There was never official time for you to be let out and they did need someone to run it for the time being." The lawyer said before grabbing the now signed papers from my hand.

He handed me over two sets of keys and a card,"If you have any question then feel free to contact me at any time." I thanked him as I grabbed the keys. He left the room along with the officer and Mr. Balt.

"I'll let you get changed." Belle said, handing me the clothes.

"Thank you, Belle." I said sending her a smile. She nodded and shut the door quietly behind her. I changed into the clothes and scrunched up my nose and the strange feeling.

Real clothes.

I glanced down at myself once they were all on and was surprised by how nice I looked. My blue button up shirt went perfectly with the beige slacks.

"You done?" Belle asked, hearing the sound of movement stop.

"Yeah, I'm done." I said with a small smile. She opened the door and I headed out of it only pausing to glance at the room once more.

I was finally free.

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