Chapter Five

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La Grande Vallée Psychiatric Hospital in Rochefort en Terre, France on Monday, 6 June, 2016, 10:19 A.M.

Knock. Knock Knock.

I sat up from my bed immediately, setting the book I was reading on the desk. Three knocks meant only one person. I cleared my throat, "Come in." I said and she entered.

"Hi, Adam." She said as she shut the door behind her. My eyes caught sight of the flower in her hand, usually, she came here empty handed.

"I didn't know you were coming today," I said while staring at her in surprise. Before she left Saturday she told me she wouldn't be back until Wednesday.

"Well, I remembered that today your brother is coming and I thought it may help to have someone here with you." She said sitting a few meters away from me on my bed. Her now white dress pooling around her along with her long red overcoat.

"Thank you," I whispered not able to stop my heart from fiercely pounding against my chest once again.

"Oh, and I brought you this." She said handing me the red rose."I thought it would be nice to have something personal in this room. Also, I wanted to make a promise with it." She said, biting her lip almost nervously. I raised my eyebrow in curiosity, waiting for her to continue.

"Adam, I am going to promise you that you will be out of here for good before that rose completely dies."She promised and I only stared at her blankly.

"You can't get me out of here,"I stated firmly, not believing her. She couldn't do that.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. I'm promising you that it will happen before that rose dies." She said nodding her head certainly. Before I could comment the door opened. In walked a tall man in a suit. His eyes held arrogance and ice as he stepped into the room.

"Thank you," His honeyed voice said to the nurse. She only giggled and shut the door behind him.

"Adam, brother, it's great to see you again." He said holding his arms wide open, signaling he wanted or expected a hug. I stared at him blankly, not sharing the fake enthusiasm."Who is this?" He asked, a smirk sliding up his face. 

"My name is Isabelle." She introduced herself politely, holding out her hand to shake.

"What a pleasure to meet you. I'm Gaston Bruskin, proud owner of Bruskin Incorporations."He said not letting his smirk fall as he took her hand and pressed his lips it. When he released it, he didn't step back and ran his hand through his black hair that was the opposite of my honey colored. A trait he got from our father.

"I'm going to get a cup of coffee, so you two can have a few minutes to catch up. Would you like any?" She asked both of us.

"No, thank you," Gaston said. Belle looked towards me for an answer and I slightly shook my head, signaling no. She sent me an encouraging smile before unlocking the door and leaving.

"Huh, it looks like this place did some good for you. You don't mind if I get a taste of that, right? She seems like the perfect bride for a business man like me. Hot and obedient." He said making my fist clench. I set the red rose underneath my pillow and stood up just as Gaston took a seat on the metal chair that was now connected to the desk by a chain on the foot.

"Why are you here? Finally feeling guilty?" I snapped, not holding back my anger.

"Feeling guilty about what? Locking you up? No, definitely not. You killed a girl and deserved to spend time in here until you got better." He said as he moved his leg to rest on top of his other one.

"I did not kill her! We both know it was you." I hissed, my voice now becoming penetrating.

"Ah, I see it's still not the right time for you to come out yet. You're still in denial, brother." He said shaking his head and I clenched my fists tighter.

Don't hit him, don't hit him.

I kept repeating the three words to myself, making sure I didn't ruin everything I've been working for with Belle.

"Hey, you know what today is?" He asked putting both of his feet back on the ground."It's the day that you killed that girl. It's officially been twelve years since you've been in this place. Congrats, brother!" He said and I slammed my fist against the concrete wall, not caring when the pain ran up my knuckles all the way to my arm.

"Congrats?" I repeated in a questioning tone, shaking my head in disgust. "What is wrong with you, brother?" I demanded, mocking his tone. "I don't know how you can find amusement in this whole situation. You're a killer. You killed a teenager, a girl, yet you sit here with smiles."

"I'm Gaston Bruskin. I'm like the king of the business world. I'm completely perfect in the world's eyes. So perfect that people love me, people want to be me, heck, people work out just to try to be as strong as me." He said in a booming voice, his tone condescending. "And you? Poor Adam, you are what they forgot about."

I felt myself snap and moved to attack him.

Just one punch.

But just before I could I felt a small hand lightly touch my arm, stopping me from moving. "Belle," I whispered, looking at the beauty who I didn't notice entered.

"You are better than that." She said quietly so only I could hear.

Belle's eyes held a warmness I could only ever see in her eyes. "You may have been a beast before, but I can promise you that you are not in here." Her delicate hand touched my heart that was beating fast in my chest. "There is something in here, in your heart now that wasn't here before. Don't let that disappear, Adam."

I didn't realize my eyes were wet until a teardrop slid down my face. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Oh, how cute." Gaston's voice interrupted sarcastically. "But Isabelle or Belle, you don't mind if I call you that, right?" He asked, continuing before she could respond.

"Don't waste your time on him. He's hopeless and a killer. You'd do much better with someone like me. I'm like a king. I'm the one someone like you could spend your life with. I'm your future, sweetheart." Gaston said standing up, his arrogance filling the air. "We can have quite a few kids and you can stay at home and cook. And do the typical woman duties." He said and I felt myself getting angry once again.

"Typical woman duties?" She said monotonously.

"You know like rub my feet after work. I'm sure it would be a bigger honor than spending time with someone like him." He insisted and she plastered a fake smile on her face. Before anyone could say anything else I pressed the red button on my wall.

"Yes?" A nurse called back through the speaker.

"I'm feeling tired. I think it's time for my guest to go home. Can someone come escort him out?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll send your nurse down in one minute." She said and I didn't respond and only let go of the button I was holding.

"Thanks for coming, Gaston. Please do us both a favor and don't come again." I said just before the nurse entered.

"Sorry to interrupt, I'm here to escort you both out." Nurse Kaya said only focusing on Gaston as she twirled her red hair around her finger.

"She can stay," I said, but the nurse shook her head.

"Sorry, but if you're tired then both must leave." She said and Belle nodded.

"I'll be out in one minute." She told her and the nurse agreed and left with Gaston.

"I'm sorry that didn't go better." Belle apologized and this time, I grabbed her hands.

"It's not your fault."

Her apologetic look quickly changed into a determined one, "No matter what just happened, my promise still stands. You're getting out of here." She said before moving her face closer to mine. I didn't breathe as she pressed her lips to my right cheek. "I'll see you Wednesday." She moved away and opened the door.

"Goodbye," I responded before she left. She turned back, sending me a heart-warming smile before shutting the door behind her and taking my heart with her.

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