Chapter One

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La Grande Vallée Psychiatric Hospital in Rochefort en Terre, France on Wednesday, 1 June 2016, 12:30 P.M.





Clocks were an interesting piece of decor. They hold the attention of one and completely enthrall them. The sound that they make are very captivating. So captivating that it makes the owner wish they had more. Most people do not realize the connection they have with a clock, but I do. Clock's are our god, our fate. They choose what time we are born. They choose what time we die. They choose-

"Adam." Nurse Kayla called causing my head to turn. My eyes leaving the clock and instead scanning over her figure. The scrubs were as dull as the room and there really wasn't anything special about her. My eyes suddenly stopped, landing on the red hair that cascaded down her back with no care in the world.

"Get out." My voice was cold, yet no longer foreign. I was used to the sound that escaped my mouth as should they be.

"I brought you breakfast." She said sending me an encouraging smile. A smile that would catch the heart of many, maybe even mine if it wasn't for the red hair cascading down her back in my room.

The tray was set down on the table in my room. It was still filled with the same food as always; peas, mashed potatoes, and some type of meat. I hated my potatoes mashed. She knew this, yet here she was giving me potatoes that are mashed.

I stared at her blankly while she sent me another blinding smile, one I was beginning to hate.

"I will leave as soon as you start eating." Nurse Kaya insisted and that was all it took for me to break. The tray went flying toward her, just barely missing her head when she ducked. Kayla let out an irritated sigh. The smile that was continuously on her face disappeared."This is the fifth time you've thrown a tray at me in the past two days! I'm done!" She stormed out of the room and I felt relief when I heard the automatic lock sound through the room as the door closed behind her.

"What's wrong?" Someone asked the nurse as she stood outside of my door.

"He threw another tray at me! " She said throwing her hands up. The small window on the door was enough to see her angry and tear eyed filled expression. "I want a new room. I'm done with this guy. They call him the beast for a reason! He tries to take out everyone. People like him don't deserve to live. They are so messed up in the head it's not safe for others."

My head slightly turned to the side at her words.

People like him don't deserve to live.

I don't deserve a chance at life? I don't deserve the chance to be like everyone else? I once was given that chance and then I came here and suddenly that chance was gone. I'm now twenty-four years old. Eleven of those years I've spent locked up in this place. I was admitted here by my brother, Gaston. He was scared of me. Scared I would hurt someone, scared I would hurt him. Not physically, no, he was afraid I'd hurt his career, his life.

"I'm calling Dr. Berzuini." The other nurse said causing a dark, sinister smirk to appear on my face. Dr. Berzuini wasn't coming back. Not after what happened last time. He left the room with blood gushing from his forehead.

"Dr. Berzuini refuses to see him after last week. He had to go to the hospital because of the concussion the beast gave him!" She yelled in a hushed voice. "Never has a patient pushed their doctor so hard they left here like that. He needs to be put in the room."

"I told you to start calling him by his real name, Adam! I don't want to get in trouble if he hears you. Listen, I do feel bad for him which is we'll keep this between us and try one more Doctor. If he or she does not work then I'll talk to Mason about moving him." She said and I narrowed my eyes at the door, watching as they passed by the window.

My blue eyes caught sight of a slight shine on the ground. I slowly got up from the bed and made my way over to the area where the food was on the ground. My fingers pinched the long red piece. It was a piece of red hair. I hated red hair. Alexis had red hair. Everyone knew this, yet she still left it here without any care in the world, my world.

They think I need another doctor, but I didn't need one. All I needed was an escape from this place. I couldn't handle one more bite of cold peas or one more squeak from my pathetic excuse of a bed. I cannot handle another piece of red hair either.

I was never meant to be here. I am not crazy nor am I sick in the head. I didn't kill her and part of me thinks at least one of them knew that. They had to. Most certainly because I was not capable of killing a human being. I was not capable of taking a life of another. Although I still find myself sitting here eleven years later because of his faults, his hands. The blood was not engraved in my skin. No, it was far from that. The blood has soaked into his hands and it most definitely wouldn't be leaving anytime soon because it would forever be his fault. It was his fault the girl was dead, yet here I am serving his sentence.

Once Upon Another Beast (#OnceUponNow)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum