Chapter 27

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I wake up during the night. I rubs my eyes and turn to look at the clock. 2:30 AM. Why did I wake up? I look out the window and see it's started to snow. I get up from the bed. A child makes it's into my skin, making me shake. I look down at my body and see that I'm naked. I totally forgot that I was naked. why am I naked again? Oh yeah that's right! I felt weak. 

I move around a little. I still do feel weak. I feel like my legs could collapse any minute actually. What's wrong with me? Why is body going out of control? 

I move around the room to get my gown.

"Nice body."

I stop in my tracks. The hairs on my arms raise as a chill racks my body, my heart is beating against my chest as I turn to see two black eyes. A man that's standing in the shadows.

"Yes, I think you'll be quite nice."

"Who...'who are you?"

Suddenly out of no where, he appears right in front of me, "I'm your worst nightmare."

He grabs me. I try to get out of his hold, but he's too strong. I feel his hands move up and down my body...touching it.

"Please don't!" I sob.

Where is Xander? I try to scream for my mate, but the man's hand is over my mouth. I see him grab a knife. I feel my blood running cold. Please no no no no NO! I scream in my mind. 

"I will do to you, what he did to me." He says, "I'm going to kill the two most important people in his life. Everything taken from a second."

Two people? What is he talking about? It's just me...isn't it?  I look down at my stomach at the can't be. NO! But before it's too late. I feel the knife pierce me and my baby. I feel the knife sucking my life away as this pain courses through my body.

"XANDER!" I scream with all of my strength. But I already feel my life slipping from my body. Before I know it...everything goes black as I slip away from my life. 

I wake up in a panic. I look around the room. everything is as it should. I collapse back on my bed and sigh in relief. It was just a dream. I look outside. It's still night time. The snow has finally come. It's coming hard. I look at the time 2:30 AM. I still feel shaky from my dream. It was so realistic. I feel so weak something is using all of my energy. I turn to snuggle into Xander, but he's not there. Where is he? has he been gone this whole time?

Worry eats me slowly for my mate. Is he okay? Is he really that stressed that he can't sleep? I get out of my bed. On shaky legs I slowly get my night gown and wrap it around my naked form. I breath heavily as I force my body with all my strength to find Xander.

I hold on to the rails tightly as I walk down the stairs. I look in his office. It's locked which means he isn't in there. Ugh! Where could he be? I look down the hall. I see there's light seeping through the crack in the door of the living room. I take a deep breath before trying to making my way towards the living room. I hear whispers. I frown. Maybe him and Soul or Noah were talking about pack stuff? I open the door slightly and peak through the crack. 

I couldn't believe what I saw. Xander was kissing...LANA!!! And it doesn't even look like a simple kiss. He's kissing her so...passionately. Her arms are wrapped around his neck, her fingers are griping is hair and his arms are rubbing up and down her back as he kisses her as if he, as if she was everything to him. I hear her moan. 

XANDER (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang