Chapter 20

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"Do you think Noah will be okay?" I asked worried.

"Yes, sweetheart, he will be." Xander called out from the walk in closet.

"But what if something happens?!" I said as different scenarios pack through my brain.

He walks out of the closet, only wearing his underwear. So unfair that he's got a body of a god. But he's also carrying a suit case. Why?

"Where're you going mister?" I asked with a raised brow.

He smiles mischievously, "You mean, where are we going?"

"What do you mean? Where are we going?"

He walks over me on the bed and climbs on to crawls on top of me.
"We are going away for a while."

I frown, "Whys that?"

"I just thought it would be nice to get away from...all this pack business and your safety problem and all. And I also just want to spend time with my mate. I'm gonna be leaving soon, so I want to spend as much time with you as possible. Okay?"

"Where will you be going?" I asked worried again.

He looks away for a minutes and then releases a sigh, "Me and some warriors are gonna go on a hunt."

"For who?"


I feel the air getting taken from my lungs. It suddenly became hard to breathe.
"You can't go. You can't leave. Just leave him and stay with me. I need you, I need you to be here right now with me."

"I am here right now, " He says teasingly.

I glare at him, "I'm being serious. What if he sets a trap or he comes to get me while you're away? What if something happens and you don't come back? What then? no no. You're staying here with me. I can't lose you. I  won't be able to survive if I lose the one thing I love most in this world." I didn't realise I was crying until Xander brushes my tears away.

"Hey, nothing is gonna happen to me. Or you for that matter. Eddie and Soul will be here with you. You'll be safe."

I bury my face in his neck, "It's not me I'm worried about."

He envelopes me in his safe arms,"Nothing is going to happen to me. Gosh woman have a little faith in your man. I'm the Alpha of the most powerful Pack. I don't think anyone is gonna want to mess with that."

"If danger doesn't kill you, it's probably going to be your arrogance that will." I said as I rolled my eyes.

He throws his head back and laughs, "I guess maybe you can train me to be a little more humble."

He smacks my ass as he gets up, "Come on sweetheart, we gotta go."

"Where are we going exactly?"

He starts to pack me a bag, "That's for me To know and for you to find out."

I roll my eyes and groan.

An hour later we start to drive towards the airport. I look at the trees slowly merging into big buildings. I haven't been in the city for years. But as time drags on, all the buildings eventually all blend together.
After about 45 minutes, we arrive at the airport, But, instead of going through it, we go around to the back, going straight to the platform. Soon a private jet comes to sight.

Oh my gosh! A jet! A private jet! I look to my mate with wide eyes. I look back out the window as a little kid would do. I hear Xander laughing.
"You look like a child who got a shiney toy."

XANDER (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now