Chapter 22

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" like Ariel?" Sharon asked her daughter.

"I love her" April replied with a dreamy look on her eyes.

"Haha... when I was your age I used to love Cinderella." Sharon gushed remembering those childhood memories.

"Cinderella. Isn't she the one who wore glass slippers?" April asked.

"That's the one."

"Do you like to dance?" April asked another random question. April and Sharon were settled in the bed after Chris left with chase and started asking each other something or the other. She was so into the conversation with her daughter that she even forgot about Lily suddenly showing up.

"I do like to dance. What about you? You like to dance?" She asked her daughter.

"I love to dance. Dad loves dance too. We both dance sometimes." April said. Sharon gave her a small smile. Doesn't Sharon know how much Chris adored to dance with her in his arms.? How any date night's with him never ended without a twirl or swing in his arms?

"Do you wanna dance?" April asked.

"Now?!" Sharon was surprised she even suggested it.


"But isn't it way past your bedtime?"

April chuckled before tugging on Sharon's sleeves, "It is way past my bedtime. So come let's dance... please."

Sharon could not say no to those puppy dog eyes. " We will dance but not here." She said scooping April into her arms and slowly descending the stairs and opened the back door.

The lawn behind was covered with green patch of grass. Looks like Momo watered the backyard in the evening as the grass was still wet in some patches. Little did Sharon know it was Momo's gardening skills but the drizzle that just started.

"Yes...It's raining." April fist pumped.

"We should go back." Sharon insisted.

"Please..." April requested.

"You will catch cold" Sharon looked at her daughter worried.

"Please... just 5 minutes", she negotiated.

Sharon looked at her daughter and the little drizzle falling. "Well.. only 5minutes" Sharon said muttering to herself how bad of a mom she was.

April couldn't control her excitement as she kept on giggling softly.

Sharon closed the door quitely and turned towards April. She played a beat song in her phone and placed it on the wooden chair in the back porch.

As the beat started April started twist, turn and shake her bum. Sharon stood their contended with a smile on her face. Her little girl grew so well, so pretty, so happy. And Sharon would want nothing less for her beanie.

"Come on dance" April said tugging on Sharons shirt.

Sharon nodded her head and moved a leg to the beat. April was giggling and dancing around Sharon. Sharon took April's hand as she started to twist and twirl.

Smiling at each other they danced for two more songs when they both were startled by Chris and Savvy.

"What are you doing?" Savvy asked. Savvy looked better now , atleast Momo could persuade her to change into some pyjamas.

Chris had this weird smile on his face and for some reason Sharon smiled back at him.

"We are dancing..." April said grinning from left to right.

Ex- husband and babiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz