Chapter 16

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Sharon just came inside to get some water for her Children when she heard April crying loudly.

Sharon ran outside to see 'what the hell happened in two minutes she was inside.

She saw Chase laughing while April was shouting "Take it away!! Take it away". Chase was holding a bug in his hand and was running after April with it.

"Chase...Chase... leave that."She said holding his wrist and trying to pry his fist.

"What are you doing Chase?" She demanded.

Chase pouted and stood still while his mother made the bug go free and washed his hand.

"Say sorry" Sharon ordered.

"No." He replied trying to free his hand from her hold.

"I said say sorry" Sharon gritted through her teeth.

"But Mommy...."


"Sorry" Chase said but Sharon raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry, April" He said and ran away inside the house.

April was sniffing loudly when Sharon took her into her Arms.

" I want Daddy. I..." She said and broke into more tears.

Sharon rubbed her palm soothingly on her back " it's okay. I have got you."

It took Sharon a while to calm April down. Chase was still somewhere inside the house sulking.

"What happened to the boy?" Momo asked as Sharon came with April on her back.

"He was scaring April with a bug, I asked him to say sorry." Sharon explained, April had her face hidden in the crook of her neck and was breathing in Sharon's smell it was soothing her. Her hold on Sharon tightened a little.

"Oh... he is turning out to be more handful. Is April okay?" Momo asked.

Sharon looked back at April and she just nodded.

"Come girl , sit with me and we will watch Tv" Momo invited. April reluctantly left Sharon's side.

Sharon sighed and went in after her son. Chase was playing with his Car riding it as he laid on the floor.

The moment he saw his mother standing he turned to the other side.
"Chase... " Sharon called him for attention but he was not looking her way. However, he stopped playing.

"Baby...." she called again.

There was no response from his side but she continued "Chase.... what you did was wrong. You made her cry. You should never be reason for anyone's saddness and if you are at fault you should learn to say sorry." Chase turned to look at her. "Saying sorry doesn't make you small. Infact if you say sorry it means you know your mistake and would try to never repeat it." She took a deep breath wondering how much of her words were actually going into his brain.

"Okay?" She asked to see if he was following her.

He just gave her a small nod.

"Good. I love you Chase." She said giving him a small smile.

"I love you too Mommy" he said quickly which made Sharon's smile grow big.

"Then come down honey. We will go to park or go to Mrs.Kingsley place and play with Bash."

"Really?" He asked getting all excited.

"Um....Sure...As long as Mrs.Kingsley is okay with that." She said though she was very sure Mrs.Kingsley would never say No.

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