surprise & end

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side note : plz check out my new book "loving him" can't wait to hear your guys comments 

Ella's pov

It is been three week; or twenty two days of sharing a bed, talking about our future and making love. I got used to waking up to the sleepy figure of Xander and now I had all the right to trace his features and let my fingers study each detail about him.

He was a changed man and even my parents agreed on this and welcomed him to the family again. He took me on plenty of dates and called me more than ten times a day. To say that I am happy would be an understatement.

One day he decided to visit my kindergarten and he fell in love with the kids. He was so free around them and kept on playing with them. He made them giggle and he, himself, giggled with them. It was refreshing to see him that free.

After that day, he brought the topic of kids and how he cannot wait to see our own kids. And as if god had to make his wish a reality, I yesterday found out that I was pregnant. I didn't know how I was going to tell him and I feared that somehow he will think that this happened too fast but when I told his mom she assured me that he will be the happiest. When I told her and my mum; they both cried in happiness and I for some reason joined. They hugged me and then in a flip of a second started to plan the baby's life; names, clothes and also from schools, to universities.

When the bright sunlight reached my eyes, I yawned and welcomed this new day. But something was wrong. A feeling of anxiety rapidly struck me as I found the spot beside me in the bed empty. I woke up as usual but the tingly feeling that Xander's warm arms sent in my body was missing. He was not there beside me. He was missing. How and since when did he wake up early?

I stood up fast from the bed and when the cold air hit my naked body I blushingly remembered the passionate night that we had last night. I thought that he will never like my body but he every time he touched me he assured me that he loves me, my body and my stubbornness.

I looked around the room to be surprised by a new dress; a white dress that will reach only my knees. It looked bridal and had a note that said "wear me". It was paired with white heels and a red flower. It looked extremely adorable and my heart missed a beat was I studied it. I rapidly jumped into the shower then wore the dress. I don't know what Xander's plan is but I might have to change to a dress that is less bridal and more date material after questioning him about our destination. But there will be no harm whatsoever in trying this amazing dress and putting some make up on. I looked at myself at the mirror and for the first time I looked like a happy and loving bride. I smiled at the idea and thanked god for crossing my road with Xander.

As I opened the door of Xander's room the figure of my dad saluted me and as he looked at me his eyes watered. I freaked as I saw his reaction; is Xander okay? Is my family okay? What's going on !

"Daddy what's wrong?" I urgently questioned as fear consumed my soul

"You look beautiful princess and you will know soon. But now let's go." My dad said then kissed my cheek and offered me his arm and I hooked mine to his and allowed him to guide the way

The staircase was decorated all with lilies and white flowers and I couldn't but admire the beauty of such a scene. I guess this date won't be like any other date we had. All our dates were as romantic as the lake one and Xander was the sweetest and most caring husband ever but this dress, jewelry, flowers, and all are really taking it to another level, a fantastic level; where I became a princess and my prince in shining armor is Xander.

"Ella, I know this time you will be the happiest. He is a changed man and I see it in his eyes all the love, protectiveness and care. I wish you both all the luck in the world. And princess always know that your old man is just by your side and will always be ready to help you. I love you baby girl and please know that this is the Xander I wanted you to marry at the first place." My dad said as we reached to house's back door and I just hugged him tightly.

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