Mistake? Okay...

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third update today :D 

I am honestly tired now but it is worth it 

hope that u guys like it :) 

Ella 's POV:

"So he kissed you and he did not know why? And you saw Linda with him today? Holding hands and kissing? " Maya shockingly questioned.

And I sadly remembered how I woke up to an empty bed and to the sounds of Linda giggling in my living room. I refused to believe that she was there and that our kiss meant nothing to him. But when I saw her on his lap with their hands intertwined and their lips attached I couldn't do anything but cry. I went to my bathroom closed the door and silently cried. If I want to file for divorce will my parent support me?

"That bastard" Caden replied with an angry manner.

"Caden, no bad words in front of Jenna. We don't want her running around repeating that." I warned Caden as I gave Jenna another crayon to color her book.

We were now sitting in a small coffee shop near my day care. I told Maya and Caden what happened last night because I felt truly lost. I kissed him back because I know that I like him. I thought that after his show of possessiveness, the kiss might be a show of interest and feelings. But no it was just a physical thing to him. He wanted to satisfy an urge and I was there. I felt sparks when he kissed me. Even my toes curled. I felt loved at that moment and wanted time to stop. I felt intensity and passion deriving from him but I guess they were just lust and desire. I lost my long dreamt about first kiss for the sake of his animalistic needs.

"We have to make him pay. Big time." Maya added with an evil grin

"I agree. I will beat him up for you." Caden offered.

"Silly Caden, I didn't mean that." Maya continued

"If you meant divorce then I am already looking for a lawyer?" I asked sensing Maya's decisiveness

"No that's the last step! Xander is stupid and if you divorce him now, he will just drink away his misery. When it comes to the matters of love, he is slow. So don't give up too soon. Drive him crazy till he acknowledges his loss. First, go to him today and tell him that the kiss was a mistake and that you bless his relationship with Linda or any other girl. Second, don't acknowledge his existence much and he will come to you like a child asking for candy. Third, continue to cook for him. So he won't use it as an excuse to talk to you. Let him create new ways to attract your attention. Fourth, let him share your bed but never allow him to touch you. Lastly, after a month of doing so, tell him that he is not allowed in your room again and that you are going on a date and after a week announce that you want a divorce."

"Why won't I just file for a divorce now?" I questioned doubting Maya's plan.

"Because Xander is stupid and he will probably drink himself to obliviousness, if you ask for a divorce now. Ella he does have feelings for you but he is trying to hide them because you are not his usual type." Caden explained more.

"So he is ashamed of me?" I felt a pang of pain run through me as I thought of Xander feeling ashamed of being seen with me because I am a little overweight.

"Caden didn't mean that. He means that you are not like all his relationships. You want love and a long time faithful relationship." Maya clarified making me feel a bit better.

"But his relationship with Linda is a long term one." I uttered feeling my heart shatter at the memory of them today.

"A sick one term relationship." Caden said disgustingly

"They cheat on each other whenever they fight. If anyone of them cheats then the other earns a chance to do so too. Open relationship they call it." Maya shook her head disapprovingly as she revealed the truth about Xander and Linda.

"But he is so possessive so how come he lets her cheat but I cannot wear short shorts in front of Caden?" I inquired feeling troubled.

"Because deep down he has feelings for you; feelings that he never held for another girl." Caden replied

"Maybe he truly believes in open relationships? And if so then our kiss means nothing to him. Maybe he is just burdened by me? Maybe he is afraid that if something happens to me my dad will kill him? That will explain why he flipped after the "Fred's situation" maybe he was truly drunk and didn't remember a thing from last night?" I questioned as a tear fell down my cheek.

"I know my friend and let me tell you that that possessiveness is more than a mere burden." Caden assured as he offered me a slight smile.

"Don't give up on him too easily Ella. Xander is lost and he needs saving. Saving from that façade that he calls life. He needs you El! Just for a month try this and if it does not work file for divorce and Caden and I will personally convince your parents to let you do so." Maya begged and I couldn't help but nod in acceptance.

At 7:00pm sharp the door of the garden house opened and I knew who is home. His scent filled the air and I couldn't stop my longing for him to erupt. I dismissed such thought and continued to cook. I truly needed to pull my act together and distance myself a bit; just like Maya said lure him in without getting lured. So if he didn't want to commit at the end, you will not hurt that much.

"Hey..." I heard Xander saying and I sensed his figure entering the kitchen and stopping at its island.

"Hi" I replied courtly

"Ella about last night. The kiss was a mistake. I was drunk." Xander uttered with a nervous tone

"No need to say sorry. I didn't mean to return the kiss too. It was stupid of me but I didn't want to have a peck for a first kiss. I wanted to be passionate so whoever was the person to have it I was going to kiss back the same way." I replied as I promised Maya and Caden and turned around to see Xander and his features that darkened with every word of mine.

"Good so there is no need to explain." Xander nearly yelled

"Nope, I totally get it. And I also know that you are committed to Linda." I continued sarcastically

"I am" Xander answered shortly

"Cool and I bless your relationship." I said with a cool façade yet a breaking heart and to my reply Xander just stormed out of the kitchen.

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