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Hey guys, Keiana here with my new book I will be posting once I finish my ongoing August Alsina story Slow It Down.

It's called Toxic, and I'm not exactly sure who I'm going to use as the male character in this story, since this will not be a fan fiction, I still want to use a celebrity you guys like, find attractive, and want to read about.

Comment below, or post on my message board with ideas on who you guys who like to see, and whoever gets the most votes, I'll write about with this story.

I'm getting ideas and little twists and turns for this story everyday, so you guys do your part for me, and I'll do my part for you, writing a bomb ass story like usual.

- Keiana 😘


"What do you want from me Ellis?!" My back was pressed against the wall, my spine touching the cold brass of the doorknob behind me.

"I'on fucking know!" His clenched fist landed above my head, shaking the wall behind me, and sending an unintentional shiver throughout my body. 

He licked his lips and unclenched his fist, letting his soft but rough fingers caress my cheekbone.

He hadn't licked his lips to try and seduce me or bring attention to how plump and edible his lips were. He did it out of habit. It made me shiver again.

He started to speak, but shook his head and simply sighed.  "I'm fucking tripping man, I shouldn't be here with you."

I moved away from his touch and screwed my face up. "Then leave, go. You don't need to be here with me."

His eye cut at me. "Watch it."

"No Ellis, you can't say that to me! You can't take me out my comfort zone, my whole world, change everything around for me, and then tell me you shouldn't be with me. Hell no! You don't get to ruin my fucking life and then just let me go! I hate you, my friend was right, I fucking hate you so-,"

His soft lips pressed against mine, literally taking the words out my mouth. The pads of his fingers pressed against my neck, sending butterflies through my stomach, and shocks through my lower region.

"You know I can't leave you alone. I want to, and I fucking can't. You're in everything I do, every where I look, I'm reminded of you. Every thought I have is about you, how things are gonna affect you, what you would tell me. Every bitch I see, I'm comparing them to you, and they're not fucking matching up. I hate you, I hate you for doing this to me."

I tried not to lean into his tightening grip on my neck, but it was sending sparks and sensations all through my body, and he wasn't even inside me.

"You think I wanted this?" He hissed, pulling my bottom lip into his mouth.

"I hate you Ellis. I really do." I shook my head, but my arms wrapped around his broad ink covered shoulders.

"I know you do, and I feel the same way baby."

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