Scrap Book

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"Whatever Jesse." I answered.

Am I really being hard?

I mean, I'm like that since...she broke my heart.

But I knew that I'm not that hard on Katherine. She's just understanding, she never gave up being my friend and she made it like everything is okay. Even if it wasn't.

"Jo? Come on now. Let's eat." Jesse said.

After eating, I just went straight to my room and turned the t.v. on.

I reach for that scrap book of mine.

Then opened it. The first page was picture of Kath. I got it on her Facebook. Then there's written down it.

She's the annoying, over joy, and the happiest girl I've ever met. She never gave up, just to be my friend. She even make me pair up to her in this freaking project.

Yeah, I know it's not that nice. But what can I say? She really annoyed me the first time we've met. I turned to the next page.

Well, she really is desperate to be my friend. But she can't be my best friend! She's over joy, which I'm not. We're not really have the same liking or whatever. So why would we be friends? She's also homophobic, that's what I thought. And she's so touchy. I don't allow anyone to touch me, but she's so persistent that I just let her.

I close it after that. Why would I look at it if I already know what's written, right?

I know I don't like her.

I just can't. But I know the walls that I build, is crashing because of her.

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