She's Annoying

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Lunch came and I'm in my usual table. Basically, it's reserved for me since no one would dare take it. As usual, I was sitting alone when someone dare put their food tray on my table. Now hold up--

I was about to shout at whoever did that but she beat me to it.

"Hi Jo! Can I seat with you? Pretty please?" The gorgeous annoying girl said with a pout. What's her name again, Katline? Kath Kath. Whatever that is.

"Whatever." I just said then continue eating my food. She'll get tired, eventually.

She's annoyingly smiling with those cute dimples then sat across from me.

"So, what's up?" She ask joyfully.

I completely ignored her and appreciate the savory taste of my food.

"Hey, did you hear--" She speaks again but being the rude b*tch that I am, I cut her off.


"Oh, okay." She said then just ate her food as well. Guess she can take a hint.

The bell rang and I stood up as soon as it did and rush to exit the room but of course life is not always on my favor.

"Jo, wait!" It's her again.

"What?" I asked, kinda pissed.

"I just wanted to ask what class you're having? I saw you earlier in History but the teacher came so I didn't have the chance to talk to you." She said.

I stare for a couple of seconds before finally saying, "Algebra."

Unexpectedly, she grabbed my hand and said, "Great! We're having the same class again. Come on." Then she sways our hands in the air like we're little kids going to a candy store for our favorite candy. The hell.

I pull it away from her, "Don't touch me."

I saw sadness in her eyes but it quickly disappear as she smile brightly at me and shrug. "Okay, let's just go to class."

She's never going to give up, is she?

And in serious note, she's starting to really annoy me...and I can't put my thoughts into it, but I like her company. I like it. F*ck.

Black Heart (GirlxGirl, lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now