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"MOM! We don't have to do this! It is something that happened and went, I don't want to go!" I beg my mom while she drives the car.

"No Alexa! It is not 'something that happened and went', you had a freaking nose bleed in the middle of the night, and you have been losing a lot of weight, too" she says.

"Mom, it was only 15 pounds!" I say.

"Yeah? And you lost 15 pounds in what duration of time, exactly?" She says with mock confusion.

"2 weeks." I mutter.

"EXACTLY!" She says as she parks the car in front of the hospital. I groan as she signals for me to get out. She speeds up to the receptionist and asks for Dr. Hill; he is actually one of my best friends from when I broke my leg last year and he came and kept talking to me while they wrapped it up, it isn't even his specaility, he just had some free time.
A while after, we see a man in his mid-twenties coming towards us, he had brown hair and green eyes, yup, that's Dr. Hill. When he sees us, he smiles brightly and rushes over to hug me and greets my mom too. We go to his office and we start to chit chat a bit until he asks the inevitable.

"So, no offense, but what brings you here today?" He says and I chuckle lightly.

"Well, look, Derek, yesterday something..... weird happened, we were sleeping when I woke up to get water when I saw Alexa in the bathroom, and her nose was bleeding heavily. I don't know what happened, but there are other stuff too, like, she lost a lot of weight, 15 pounds, in only 2 weeks, and she wasn't even following a diet." She says as Derek, Dr. Hill's first name, listens closely.

"Maybe I have high metabolism!" I say as Derek chuckles. He shakes his head lightly at my childish acts. He then stops and his eyebrows furrow as he thinks.

"Alexa," What? He never calls me by my full name.

"Was there anything weird happening at this previous period of time?" He says, worry lacing his voice. My face turns into a one of confusion. Well, there are things that did happen but why did he ask?

"Well, I have had these weird nights, when I would wake up and I would be sweating like crazy. I am always so tired no matter how much I sleep, I am just, feeling that I need a wheel chair to move, I can't even run around the halls of the school at all. But, other things happened, like........ there is something else, that's weird, I have these red big dots on my skin on my shoulders and thighs and stomach. But they are not itching me" I say all in one breath as my mom's eyes widen. I never told her. Derek's eyes widen too, I never did actually tell him either.

"Alexa, tell me honestly, you aren't making this up, right?" He says, eyes wide like saucers. I shake my head, with a look of confusion plastered on my face. Derek gets up from his chair and starts pacing in front of us, shaking his head a bit. I raise an eyebrow, he always does this when he is afraid or worried or nervous. He stops and looks at me, panic was evident on his facial features.

"W-well we can do some tests and all, and then we can see what's wrong. I'll sign you up so they can get you in quick, today I mean" he says all in one breath. I nod and he heads out of the office really quickly, yelling a nurse's name.

"What do you think is wrong?" My mom asks weirdly, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know." I say with a shrug as I lean back in the chair, I know it's nothing.

I really do hope it's nothing.


"6 weeks." He says. I just stare at him dumbfounded with my eyes wide open like they are saucers.

Probably you don't understand. Well, imagine this; a girl, with a-little-bit-after-the-shoulder length, blonde hair and bright blue eyes is just sitting there in the office, and a doctor is telling her she is diagnosed with Leukemia and she only has a limited time to live, which is 6 weeks. Yikes. Well, that's me right now staring at Derek with raised eyebrows. Six weeks? But... I am still 17 years old! I still have to go to my senior year in high school, I never went on a date, I still have a lot of stuff that I need to. I still want to live my life. I complete staring at him while my mum bursts in tears. It is time to start talking.

"What?" My voice sounds kinda strained. Derek sighs and shakes his head slightly, looking at me sympathetically.

"Alexa, you have stage 4 Leukemia, apparently the symptoms became prominent a little bit late, we really have nothing to do about it. I am sorry, but you only have 6 weeks to live. We can, of course, give you medications but to be honest, they will only tire you more and delay the inevitable." He says, pity lacing his voice. I take in his words and think, would I really want to spend the rest if my life in a hospital? Immediately, my mind and heart reject the idea, I will not sacrifice the last weeks of my life into this. So, I shake my head as my mother continues to cry. Derek sighs and stands in front of me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I will probably spend these few weeks sitting in my room hidden from the world watching Netflix.

"Look, I an telling you this and listen well." he says strictly, I nod.

"Make those 6 weeks unforgettable." he says. I look at him weirdly before nodding. Unforgettable? I was just planning to sit in room hidden from the world watching Netflix or something.
But, he is right, I have to do sonething in my life before I die. What is this something? No idea, but it'll come eventually.

I really hope it comes eventually.


New book! Wohoo.
If you like my way of writing, you should definitely check my other book; 'Shattered.' Out. You'll love it, I guess? But let me tell you it's quite depressing at the beginning.


Oh, and thank you w_nderlust for this amazing book cover! I love it!

Love ya.


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