Chapter Twelve

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{Genesis' P.O.V.}

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I muttered, Daniel exchanging a wave with Dylan.

Dylan kept an arm around me, walking the pair of us towards the black van. The driver in a posh suit cheerfully took my bag from Dylan's grip and placed it in the boot before walking back around to the front.

"Call if you have any issues, okay?" Dylan enveloped me into a hug, Daniel climbing into the back seat.

"I will." I rested my head against his chest, hugging him back. "Call me when you get done filming."

Dylan carefully kissed my head, "I will. Have fun with the book lady."

I rolled my eyes, grinning as I left Dylan's arms. I waved lightly and pulled myself into the car, but didn't look over to Daniel. I already felt bad, guilty about not only what happened with Daniel but that we were lying to Dylan.

Daniel rolled up the black panel separating the driver from the back, "Gen-"

"Don't Daniel, please don't." I recoiled as the car pulled away from Dylan's Atlanta house. I rested my head against the tinted window, my mind running with memories that chose to be around when Daniel was.

"You have all day with me, Genesis." He reminded, "All through the flight, your entire meeting for the book cover, until Dylan gets in. You can't just ignore me the whole time. We had two years of that."

"Then whatever you're trying to do can wait because I really don't want to deal with this right now." I shut my eyes, letting out a breath.

"Okay, fine." I could tell Daniel lifted his hands in surrendur, "We'll go with later then."

This is going to be a long day.


"Miss." A hand touched my shoulder, a smiling blonde air hostess standing just to the side of me.

I tugged out my headphones, ceasing Dirty Work. "Yes?"

"Hi. You might've missed it but the captain just told us that we're about to start our decent. I'm going to need you to turn off your cell phone and if you would mind we need you to wake up your boyfriend and have him sit up his seat." A red polished finger pointed over at Daniel, who'd thankfully fallen asleep just as the aeroplane took off.

"Oh." I awkwardly turned off my mobile, the woman still watching me. "He's, er, not my boyfriend."

She made a small laugh, still creepily smiling like all of them had to. "Sure. Thanks for your cooperation."

I am not a fan of air hostesses. "Dan-"

Dan was already up, grinning in a drousy state as he pulled his chair into an upright position. His tall frame stretched, a smile still playing cheekily on his lips.

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes and shoved my mobile into my purple backpack.

"Gen, just calm down. It'll set you off." Daniel flipped up the window shade, sunny L.A. burning through happily. He sighed, "As much as I love America, I do have to admit that I miss the London weather."

"I was just thinking that-" I cut myself off and looked away from the window, leaning back into my seat. "Using the bloody weather to get me to talk." I muttered.

Daniel shrugged, "It's always worked." He pointed a finger towards my top, "I thought your favourite was Spiderman."

I huffed, giving in. "Thor is my favourite Avenger," I referenced my grey Thor comic top, the sleeves rolled up to the middle of my bicep. "Spiderman isn't a movie Avenger."

Daniel batted his eyelashes at me, happy that I was talking to him. He shook his head, "Still a nerd."

"Still an arse." I grumbled, deciding to untie and tie my white converse hightop trainers.

"What can I say." Dan put in, a smile in his voice.

"Ladies and Gentlemen we have arrived in Los Angeles, California. It's currently 98' degrees and sunny. Thank you for flying with Delta Airlines, we hope to see you soon. If you have a connecting flight, listen closely for the gate number." A perky voice read on and on a list of about thirty cities along with corresponding numbers.

Daniel checked his wristwatch, "We've got enough time to get to the coffee shop but then we've got at least three hours until Dylan will get back." He rolled his head over to me, "So do I take you to Dylan's after?"

"I don't have a key to his, so," I groaned, "You'll have to take me to my dorm."

Dan lifted an eyebrow, "Something wrong with that?"

I laughed maliciously, "Oh you have no idea."

"You're kidding, right?" Daniel gaped as we walked from baggage claim, "Your roommate did all of that?"

"And only in a matter of what, two weeks maybe? She's mental, I swear!" I sent Dylan a quick text that we were in L.A. and returned my mobile to the weird inside pocket of my leggings. "And she even read the damn thing before turning it into a publisher!"

Daniel rose an eyebrow at how insane Elizabeth sounded, "Did she say anything about it?"

'You'd be in quite a pickle if Cameron and Dylan ever met.'

"Nah, she was too busy smirking over ruining my life." Daniel and I followed the man holding the 'Sharman' sign.

"Ruining your life? Gen, once you got over wanting to be a princess you wanted to be an authour. Isn't that what Elizabeth is getting you by doing this?"

I moaned in annoyance, "Well yes, but I didn't want someone to do it for me, and not with that book."

Daniel silenced for a moment. "Is my character's name Cameron?"

Are you kidding me? "Who said you were in it?"


I mumbled to myself as I slid into the black car, Daniel beginning to laugh as he hopped in the back with me.

"It is, isn't it?" He asked, still chuckling.

My hands dropped to my thighs, "What made you think 'Cameron' anyways?"

"Oh come on," Dan rolled up the black panel to ward off the balding driver, cautious about any one hearing for my sake. "We had this talk years ago! What'd we'd rename ourselves if we needed to." He took my silence as a pass to continue, "Okay fine I'll guess at something else. The main girl character, or you in other words, is named Violet Garrison."

"You suck."

Daniel grinned, shaking his head as he texted someone, "See, you're coming 'round, Gen."

"Mr. Sharman, Miss Venita." Our driver rolled down the panel as the van came to a halt. "What time would you like me to return?"

I checked the time on my watch, "In an hour would be lovely."

The driver nodded, getting out to open Daniel's door, it being closest to the side pathement.

Vinny's Coffee House stood gracefully adjacent to the pier, any window seat having a view of the water. It wasn't run down, but was just a small shoppe, and was secluded enough to ward off press.

Daniel glanced down as we stood outside Vinny's. "Ready to become the greatest authour on earth?"

I pushed open the door to Vinny's, sighing as I did so. "Not really."


A/N: Thanks for 7k by the way! Bloody hell that's insane!

Getting some Denesis for you who ship it. Ship names have been decided as Gylan and Denesis! Tell me who you ship more in the comments! I've already got most of this story built up and i'll get on updating more often since i've got about 2 weeks until my school starts up.

I might update way less once school starts since i'm one of 'those people' who take all AP classes along with Latin. I'll try my best though! Chapter thirteen soon hopefully! Xx


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