Chapter Seven

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{Genesis' P.O.V.}

"This is so cool," I mumbled, Dylan and I getting out of the black van that picked us up from Dylan's here in Atlanta.

Dylan laughed lightly, a grin crossing his face. "Trust me, this studio is my favourite out of all the others." He opened the door for me, prepared to give me a warning. "Now, one thing, be careful of-"

"DYLAN!" Holland and Crystal screamed as we came across a large open space, the Tyler's and Ian sprawled on sofas.

"About them," Dylan finished in a huff.

My eyes grew a bit bigger, Crystal Reed and Holland Roden, two of the most beautiful people, were coming over.

Holland gave her voice first, a wide smile on her. "Is this Genesis?" She asked happily.

"The very one." Dylan offered a hand towards me, Crystal and Holland each asking for a hug.

Asking me for a hug. My idols, hugging me at their own will. What. The. Bloody. Hell.

I chose to notice at that moment that I was speechless. Nothing was coming out of my mouth, but then again, I was in a room with some of the cast of Teen Wolf.

"Can we steal her, Dyl?" Crystal asked Dylan, who shot me a wink.

"'Course you can. I'll have her meet everyone else later." Dylan walked off to the sofas, the lads there watching in my direction with interest.

Had he told them about me before?

"Soo," Holland looped her arm into mine, Crystal taking the other. She walked us towards a dressing room, a curious grin on her face. "What's going on between you and Dylan?"

"What?" I asked mildly, sitting between the two of them on the maroon leather sofa.

"Oh come on!" Crystal exclaimed, dimples popping out. "How would we know about you in the first place?!"

"He's like a cute, little puppy on the subject of you." Holland began explaining. "Ian says it's him turning into a man, but, we just think-" Holland and Crystal exchanged a look before looking to again. "How do you feel about him?" She asked, interested for my reply.

"I, er, I," This isn't exactly what I expected to be talking about, and especially not with them. "I'm not really sure,"

Crystal and Holland smiled widely at the same time, a sort of laughing making itself present.

"That's adorable." Crystal stated, her dimples still out.

My cheeks flushed, an unspoken connection wavering between the three of us. They had caught on.

There was clearly something there, I mean for god's sake Dylan kissed me. It wasn't that I didn't fancy him, it was just the situation keeping me at bay. My own condition and his stopping me.

Holland narrowed her eyes with a soft smirk, her Lydia appearing. "Have you kissed?"

How the hell. "Err-" But I waited too long to respond.

Crystal and Holland squealed, my hands rising to cover my burning face. They'd caught me.

"Oh my god!" Crystal's eyes lit up, "This is so amazing!"

"Er, why is it amazing?" I fell to confusion, Holland and Crystal basically dancing in their seats.

"Dylan's managed to be the only one of the cast to go the entire time of this show not to have a girlfriend." Holland explained, surprising me. "None. Ever since 2010 he's been single, never even mentioned someone."

"It's amazing because he needs someone, we can all see it but he says he's never found someone that's changed his mind." Crystal continued, "And then in comes mysterious 'England' whom we hear about for four months before meeting."

"Wait!" Holland stopped us, "I have one final question to make my assumption complete!" She grinned a bit, the two of them looking at me, "Where are you staying tonight?"

"Err," I hesitated, the colour in my cheeks rising, "At his..."

Crystal and Holland basically and quite literally screamed, both doing some weird twitching along with massive smiles.

Sometimes, American girls confuse me, because I can honestly say i've never seen a reaction like this.

A throat cleared as Crystal and Holland calmed down, Dylan at the door. "Uh, well, people wanna meet Gen." He ran his fingers through his hair, "D'you mind?"

"Nope." Crystal said, pushing me up and at Dylan, the pair of them quick to follow.

"Great, um, this way." Dylan nodded his head towards the way we came, a small mass of people there.

Damn, Dylan. He really did tell people about me.

"Guys. This is Genesis." Dylan called attention, the faces of Ian, Tyler, Tyler, Keahu, Charlie and Max turning to me.
I felt like fainting, but also relieved, not seeing Daniel.

I got a small introduction to each of them, and amazingly, they were even more attractive in person. They were all really sweet, giving me a handshake and a bright smile.

"Oh!" Dylan spotted a figure passing in the back, "Dan! Come here!"


Daniel turned, his eyes locking onto mine. He'd gotten a bit taller and a bit more filled out, in a muscular sense. A light flicked on in my chest, it starting to force me to remember everything. Dylan made it go away and Daniel brought it back.

"Come meet Genesis, Daniel." Dylan called over Daniel, who pulled on a smile as he walked over.

I'd almost forgotten how exactly tall he was, his height towering above mine. His hair was less curlier, but shorter than I was used to.

"Genesis, right?" Daniel held out his hand, smiling.

"Yeah." My voice came out like it had to everyone else, girlish and over-excited.

"Nice to meet you." His hand clamped onto mine, a strange wave of history running through.

"You too," I said politely, Dylan not suspecting a thing.

Daniel sure as hell taught me well.


A/N: Woo! I've been waiting to have Daniel and Genesis meet again! 
Btw i'm seeing One Direction tomorrow! :D The long drive to and from may result in another chappie soon!
Tell me what you thought! Xx -Melissa

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