Chapter 25

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tell me your lies because i just can't face it


I stared at the wall that was a freshly painted baby blue color. Rusty lay beneath me, his head resting o my feet. Every now and then he would look up at me and then put his head back down. I think he was checking to see if I was okay. Was I? I don't think I am. After seeing my dogs brutally murdered and a message just for me, broke me. I tried to push the memories behind me but they creep into my dreams each night. What scares me the most is that Carter broke through our boarders and left a blood message in my home. Chance believes there is someone working with him on the inside but I don't think so. Why would anyone do that for me?

I shook m head, ridding my thoughts of that night and those horrid memories. Behind me, a door opened and shut. Rusty lifted his head up and went on full alert. Since that night, Rusty never really leaves me side because he too is grieving.

I was looking at the wall when someone blocked my view and stood there. I looked up and saw my new guard for me when Chance isn't here with me. His name is Jason and he was originally on patrol but Chance believes he's a good fighter and that I need a babysitter. I can handle myself but Chance doesn't seem to believe that. Him and I still aren't speaking. I still don't know how to feel about him and what he has done. He killed someone. She wasn't innocent but she didn't deserve to die. Chance and I also got into a fight because he called me a weak, she-wolf. I cursed him and told him to get out of my life and to go and fuck himself. He's still sleeping on the couch. Everything is so fucked up these days between him and I. I don't know if they can be fixed.

Jason cleared his throat, getting my attention. I wasn't happy with Jason following me around everywhere. "You've been sitting here for three hours now. Do you want to go for a walk, a run, or into town? Hannah said there's a sale happening on some new shoes."

I looked up at Jason, my expression never faltering. "You're serious?"

Jason gave me a small smile. "Do you not want to do any of those things?"

"Did you clear it with Chance?" I went back to staring at the wall.

"Well, no, but I figured since I'm your personal guard that you'll be allowed to go out with me."

I chuckled. "You're funny."

"Actually, I was serious." Jason looked confused which only fueled my anger for the male species even more. I wanted to go and spend time with my family but my grandparents were catching up with some old pack mates and my parents went into town for a lunch date.

"Alright, take me to Simon's."

Jason laughed. "You want to go to Simon's house?"

Did I mention that Jason was actually pissing me off? Perhaps he passed Chance on my Kill List. "What's wrong with Simon?"

Jason shrugged. "I don't know. He's just a weird warlock of sorts. No one socializes with him. The Luna shouldn't be seen with someone like that."

I stood up from the couch, startling Rusty below me. He groaned and waddled over to his dog bed in the corner. I walked away from Jason. "You actually have no say in what the Luna does around here. Did you forget I rank above you? Don't disrespect my friends and your pack members, especially someone that protects you. Remember your place in the pack or I can have you demoted."

Jason grumbled something, his pride hurt. I walked outside and shifted into my wolf, shredding the clothes I was wearing. Some of the pack members nodded their heads at me but I ignored them. I ran as fast as I could, to the place where my world felt normal. Maybe I can outrun Jason and be free.

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