Chapter 17

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i like to be everything you want,

 hey girl let me talk to you


I woke up to a blinding light. Two IV's were sticking out of my left arm. I sat up in the bed and looked around the room. No one was in here. I swing me legs over the side of the bed and put the slippers on my feet that were next to my bed. I ripped out the two IV's and growled. A little bit of blood came out with the needles so I quickly ripped a piece of my hospital gown off and put it on top of the cut.

When I was sure that I was steady enough to walk, I walked out of my room and was surprised that no one was in the hallway.

This is so weird, my wolf said, and I had to agree with her. Where was everyone?

I walked down the hallway and looked into every room I passed. Someone was laying in each bed, hooked up to monitors and battled wounds covering their bodies. I kept walking, trying not to get emotional over all of the men and women that are hurt.

I stopped and took a deep breath, the wound in my leg beginning to scream out in pain. I lifted up my gown a bit and saw at least ten staples going up my leg. How did I not notice this before or feel this? My shoulder was beginning to throb to and I frowned, touching it and feeling the bandages. I mentally cursed myself, thinking that one of the IV's given to me was morphine and I took them out.

I was almost at the exit doors, ready to get the hell out of here until I heard loud footsteps and someone calling out my name. I turned around and saw a frantic Chance, his eyes bloodshot and tears pooling in his eyes. "Where have you been? Where did you go? I was running up and down the halls looking for you!"

He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. "What are you talking about? I just want to be in my own bed right now."

He pulled away from me but kept me at arm's length. "I went to get something to eat and when I came back you were gone. I-I thought he came back for you. I thought you were gone."

Chance's voice cracked when he said the last word and my heart broke. "No, I'm okay. I'm right here."

He started crying and I had tears in my eyes too. "I thought I lost you again. I thought you were gone again, Bails."

I frowned and hugged Chance. "What do you mean? I've been here the whole time."

He shook his head. "No, Bails, they lost you. I tried getting you here as quick as I could and you had lost so much blood and your heart just stopped. It stopped, Bailey."

He started full on crying now and I didn't know what to do. "Chance, I'm alive. I'm right here, okay?"

Chance nodded and he led me back to my room. He helped me get into bed and then he sat down in the chair next to me. I laid down and pulled the covers up over me. "What happened here?"

Chance took in a shaky breath and grasped my hand. "You went out for a run and as soon as you did, the bells started ringing. At least eighty rouges came into our pack and started killing and fighting people. We lost four people last night. I ordered the elderly, the children, and the pregnant women to go below to our safe bunkers. There were so many of them, Bails. I didn't think we could fight them all and win. I was trying to contact you but I think you were still shutting me out from the fight we had. I got to you just in time though, thank goddess. My wolf smelled you and we just followed your scent until we came to that clearing."

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