Chapter 15

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then we danced in the dark under september stars in the pourin' rain

and i know that i can't ever tell you enough,

that all i need in this life is your crazy love


After my little nap in the woods, Chance led us back to the pack house where we both showered, separately, and began getting ready for the barbeque today. I sat on the bed in Chance's room as he finished getting ready. We still didn't sleep in the same room since I still wanted some space, even though we shared a bed last night. I wasn't ready for that yet. He was looking in the mirror, rolling up the sleeves to his button-down shirt. I was strapping on my heels and clasping together the buckle to them. Chance looked at me through the mirror and smiled. "So, what did you want to tell me at your grandparents house earlier? You said you wanted to talk about something?"

I stood up from the bed, pulling down my dress that had ridden up a little bit. I walked over to the window and looked at all of the pack members setting up for the barbeque today, "I just wanted to talk about last night more. You mentioned starting over and trying to be friends. I want to do that and maybe a little more if we're truly going to be stuck with each other. You talk about your wolf only caring about me and not you but I know you probably want to try and make this work too. I want to go slow, snail pace slow, and on my own terms. After everything I've been through I want to be in charge of what I want and do and I hope you can respect that.

Chance smiled at me through the mirror. "I would love that, Bailey. I know I say that only my wolf cares about you but you're starting to get under my skin, in a good way. I want to get to know you before we jump into anything. If you ever feel uncomfortable or we're going too fast then just tell me. I'll respect anything you say. I think I went about this the wrong way and I hope we can start over and try to be friends."

I smiled. "Starting over sounds like a great idea to me."

Chance came over to me and stuck out his hand. "Hi, I'm Chance."

I smiled and took his hand into mine, ignoring the way it felt whenever I touched him. "Bailey."


I was standing beside Chance on a small stage in the middle of the pack. Earlier in the day, Chance had asked me if I wanted to be initiated into the pack or if I wanted to wait. I was hesitant at first, especially after Chance and I decided to start over and be friends. I knew at some point I would need to do this. I told Chance I was ready because it was either going to be now or later.

Now, Chance was introducing me to the pack. "As some of you may know, I have finally found my mate and our Luna. She isn't a part of our pack yet but she will be soon. Today is her twentieth birthday and tonight we will initiate her into the pack. Everyone please say hello to our new Luna!"

Many shouts were heard throughout the pack members and I forced a smile, suddenly feeling extremely nervous and overwhelmed. I hadn't realized how many pack members Chance actually had. Once the excitement started dying down, Chance led me off the stage and I greeted some more people, smiling and introducing myself to everyone. It was crazy but, in the end, I got some really good food and cake and was able to see my family, who even brought my dogs with them. They were conversing with Chance's parents and they all seemed to be getting along.

Chance squeezed my hand. "Are you enjoying yourself, little mate?"

I nodded. "It's going much better than I thought it was going but I am enjoying myself. The food is amazing. I think I had about four slices of the apple pie. When did you say the ceremony will begin?"

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