Chapter 2 - Him

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Chase's POV

I hate Mondays !

Who loves them anyway, i didn't know how i managed to wear my clothes , i didn't even bother to brush my hair, i just have to go and do that exam that i didn't study for , UGH !

Did i mention how much i hate Mondays !

Celebrating and getting too many drinks on a Sunday night is definitely not , and I repeat NOT a good idea !

I shook my head trying ti clear my thoughts as i went downstairs.

Caleb was waiting me to drive him to the university since his car was broken, that little piece of shit cant even take care of a car.

If you are wondering, Caleb is my best buddy , I've known him since our diaper days, his dad is my dad's partner in work since they were our ages , so obviously we are best friends.

"You finally finished , Oh my god a girl can be faster than you !" Caleb whined when he saw me.

"Shut up!" I said while grabbing an apple and throwing one in his direction.

"Come on, remove your little ass from the chair and lets go." I said while getting outside and then we were off to university .

And now there is traffic, Ugh i mentioned how much i hate Mondays right ?

Finally , after that one hell of a traffic we arrived to the university, we still have five minutes to make it to class.. that's good we can make it.

As if i am going to do good , i don't even know the exam is about which subject !

I was making my way toward the class while squeezing my eyes in attempt to wake me up a little ,when a girl bumped into my chest and was going to fall but i directly grabbed her waist preventing her from falling.

Then she looked up , and For the billionth time i was lost again in those gorgeous brown eyes.

Okay i was wrong before , I really love Mondays !

"What's wrong clumsy , already falling for me ? " Well me being me i couldn't resist and i had to say something stupid.

Ugh i take it back i just hate Mondays !

"Ugh ! Chase get away from me , i don't have time for you." She said while trying to get free from my hold and that's when i noticed i was holding her tightly so i loosened up a little letting her go.

She directly stormed away toward her class .

I couldn't resist not to look back at her while she's running, she was gorgeous ,utterly completely wholly fully perfectly gorgeous.

I wasn't a fan of brown eyes until i met her's three years ago , i still remember the moment I lend my eyes on her, it just makes me smile remembering it .

And now let me not start talking about those soft lips that i would love to let my tongue explore every inch of them.

Wow chase , man up a little !

But no matter how i much i try to deny it, i really like Katherine .. I think i like her since the day i met her.

I always try to hit on her but she always rejects me, and whenever i talk to her she just push me away , of course she listens to those rumors going around and thinks i am going to use her like i do with other girls.

Okay they are not all rumors , because i am kind of a playboy over her.

Kind of ! Really Chase..

Well not just kind of..

Okay dammit , i admit it i am the definition of a playboy !

But with Katherine it feels different , because she is different .

Her innocent smile , the twinkle in her eye , the way she blushes , everything is different in her, she is nothing like all the other girls i've met in my whole life.

I used to think of her as a tough game , and i though i know how to play.

But damn how wrong i was..

Oh my  god , look at me , I am literally whipped , that's a first for me.

Katherine you gonna be the end of me one day.

"Chase , Chasy Chase , wohoo man where are you?" Caleb said while shaking my shoulders .

"Haa ?" I said after noticing i zoned out a little , wait what me zoning out ?

What's wrong with me these days ?

"What's up dude i am talking with you since a decade and you were in your own world !" He said raising one of his eyebrows.

"Oh no .. N-nothing .. I was just thinking.. Umm lets hurry to class we're already late" I said trying to change the subject.

"Wow, Wait a second, Chase Henderson is thinking !
Okay that is a first." He said while stepping in front of me with wide eyes faking being surprised, that little piece of shit .

"Shut up dumb-ass!" I said while slapping his chest trying to make him move so we can make it to class .

The whole day , i wasn't paying much attention to anything i was zoning out a lot and most of the time lost in my thoughts trying to figure out what to do; how to win her , how to let her like me , how to prove that i really want her.

And then a small cheesy thought crossed my mind and a smile crept its way to my lips.

Now i am sure that i figured it out , I know what i am supposed to do.

Katherine Hunter i will win your heart , and very soon you'll be mine .

I give you my word..


Chapter two has arrived , watch it is with Chase's POV.

These two chapters are just showing what is going on and trying to introduce the characters.

Hope you are not bored!

Don't  forget to comment and vote !
My love ❤️

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