Chap. 28

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"Y'all need to be quiet." Jetta said to Malik and Neek as they all walked in the doctor office.

It was time for Jetta to find out what she was having. She was hoping for a boy and girl. But Brandon kept saying it was both boys. They will just see about that.

As for her her eating fried greasy food, that was definitely a no go, Brandon did put a stop to it. Jetta felt some type of way about that.

Even her mother , and brothers knew not to give her any fried food.

If she got fried food, Neek would have to sneak it to her, and end up getting caught every time.

"That's him, I don't know why he came." Neek said preferring to Malik.

"I'm coming to see about my God Kids, I don't know why the hell you came." Malik said to Neek.

Brandon couldn't make it because he was at work. But he would be taking a break and watching them on FaceTime, on Malik IPhone.

Brandon was really starting to man up and take responsibility of kids that's wasn't his. Jetta was very proud, even though she still have her doubts. She tried to put it in the back of her head, but it was hard sometimes. Especially when they have court coming up for Jessie and Sabrina. Even though Sabrina was sentence already, they was a slight change because Neek went down to the jail house and started a fight with Sabrina, so that mess things up.

Jetta called Neek hot head, and what she did was careless, which it was because she could have been put in Jail.

"I came for the same reasons you did." Neek said.

Jetta sighed, Malik and Neek was back with full force, more arguing, make up, then back arguing again. They haven't made it official yet.

"James." A midwife came and got Jetta.

Neek and Malik stood up and walked over to the midwife, leaving Jetta as she made her way over to them slowly. At 5 1/2 her stomach was already out there. The doctors already told her the babies wouldn't make it the whole nine months, because they was growing fast.

"Y'all could have wait on me." Jetta glared at both Malik and Neek.

"See what you did, always being fast." Neek said.

"Don't blame that on me." Malik said.

The door open to the doctors office and Brandon walked in as they walked to the back.

He covered Jetta eyes and whispered in her ear.

"Guess who?" He kissed her cheek.

"How you got off early?" Jetta asked him smiling real big.

"I'm not off, just on break. I wasnt going to miss this for anything in the world." Brandon kissed her lips as they walked in the room, that was set up for a ultrasound showing.

"Okay come in and close the door please. My name is Nina Lopez and I will be doing your ultrasound showing today. What are you guys hoping for?" She asked Brandon and Jetta.

"Boys." Brandon said, as he helped Jetta on the bed and help her laid down.

"No he mean a boy and girl." Jetta said as she lifted her shirt.

"Okay this will be a little hot, considering the fact, it's on the machine." Nina said to Jetta as she put some lubricant gel on Jetta stomach. 

"Yes I know." Jetta said.

Nina picked up the stick thingy that was attached to the ultrasound machine and rolled it around the Jetta stomach.

"Baby A is a boy." Nina smiled as Brandon pumped his fist in the air.

"And baby B is a boy." Nina said as Brandon was ready to do a backflip.

Nina printed out pictures and handed it Jetta.

"Well there you go mom and dad. Have a nice day." Nina said as she wipe Jetta stomach off.

"Awww two boys." Neek smiled.

"Bittersweet moment. I wanted a boy and girl." Jetta pouted.

"You will be okay. But I will be off soon. So be ready, when I get off, we going shopping." Brandon said giving Jetta a kiss and walking out the doctors office.

"Man y'all so damn cute." Neek said.

"That's bae." Jetta said.

"Well who hungry? I can eat right now." Malik said.

"You buying?" Neek and Jetta asked him at the same time.

"Duh, that's why I asked." Malik said and walked to his car.

Neek got in the back while she let Jetta got in the front.

"Where we eating at?" Jetta asked. "I can't eat another sub. Please no more subs."

"IHOP, and you bet not order them Chicken tenders either." Malik warn Jetta.

"Why Brandon don't have to know." Jetta said.

"I won't say anything." Neek said

"Yes you will you tell on your self every time." Jetta said.

"But, I was just answering his questions though. He the  one be asking me what you be eating, I be done forget about you cant eat nothing fried." Neek shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh boy, how about we just go to ihop and Jetta just stay away from fried food." Malik said starting the car.

"Deal." Jetta said.


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