Chap. 26

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Jetta was dozing off when she felt her cellphone vibrating in her pocket.

She answered it.

Jetta- hello

Mr. Mike- what room number you're in?

Jetta- 301

Mike hang up on Jetta again.

"Okay he need to stop hanging up in my face." She mumbled to herself.

Jetta looked over at Malik and Neek. They really do make a cute couple. With Neek light brown skin and Malik vanilla skin. They was too cute.

She then look at the love of her life and smiled at him, while he sleep. She ran her hand down his face and traced his lips with her hand.

The door busted open.

"Malik!" Karen yelled.

Malik jumped, while Neek still look sleepy. She really wanted to go back to sleep.

"Okay who hurt and who not?" Mr. Mike asked.

"Mike does it really matter, our son is hurt." Karen gave Neek the evil eye.

"I'm fine mom really. Just got shot in the shoulder and leg." Malik said like it wasn't a big deal.

"Just! Just Malik really? If you wasn't running around with these two it wouldn't of happen." Karen snapped pointing at Jetta and Neek.

Neek sat up a little bit, still out of it a little bit.

"These two? Seriously? We have names you know?" Neek chuckled.

"Like I said if my son wasn't running with a bunch of black thugs he wouldn't of been in this mess." Karen paced.

"Black thugs? I'm harmless boo, first of all, and second of all, how the hell am I thug? Just because I'm black? Nobody told your son to hang around me, if I'm a black thug, he could have stayed his ass in the suburbs with your judgmental stuck up ass." Neek snapped back.

"You damn right im judgmental, do you see why? If my child would stick with his own kind he wouldn't be in this shit he in now. But nooo, he want to run around with a black bitch!" Karen yelled.

"Karen that's enough!" Mike yelled. "You will not sit here and called anyone out their name. You have gone to damn far na." Mike said.

Karen snapped her neck in Mike direction.

"No don't tell her ass nothing Mr. Mike, she don't like black people, she don't even want your son dating me, because I'm a black bitch. She want him to date someone like her, someone that have a broom stick so far up their ass." Neek shook her head.

"Neek chill." Jetta said.

"Nah that lady want to run her damn mouth and don't know shit about me. She don't see that she making Malik miserable. She only care about her damn self." Neek said.

Mike looked at his wife and shook his head.

"Karen are you serious right now? You know how I feel about racism." Mike glared at Karen.

"Well deal with it Michael." Karen snapped.

"The hell I will. I will not tolerate that in my house. If you can't accept Jetta and Neek then you can't accept me. I'm sorry but I was raised by a black woman, and she wouldn't appreciate you and how you acting, better yet, you met her." Mike stared at his wife

"I didn't like that bitch either." Karen yelled.

Malik didn't know why his mother is acting like this. He never seen her act out of character like this.

Neek move a certain way, and she started bleeding, from her wound.

"Neek you bleeding!" Jetta yelled.

Beeping noise ring out in the room.

Neek looked down as nurses and doctors rushed in, and told everybody to get out.

Neek passed out.

Jetta was pacing back and forth. She needed to calm down, her stomach was cramping up.

Malik rested his head against the wall.

Brandon had his eyes on Jetta as she kept pacing back and forth.

"Get out!" Jetta yelled at Karen. "It's your fault."

Brandon pulled Jetta back as Jetta was walking in Karen face.

"Mom leave." Malik said calmly.

Karen gasps.

"You taking their side instead of mine? Your mother?" Karen pointed at herself.

"Yes you can't determine my future. I love Neek and I'm going to be with her, with or without your blessing." Malik said.

"Fine, just forget about getting into Howard." Karen said.

Mike looked over at Karen.

"Who says he want to go to Howard? Just because you and your family went that don't mean Malik wants to go." Mike said.

"Is this gain up on Karen day?" Karen asked.

"Yes, you started it, so yea it is, just leave." Malik said.

"Fine, pack your shit and get out my house, since you choosing that black bit-"

Jetta slapped Karen in her face.

"Call her another bitch if you bad. Blame that slap on my hormones." She said.

"And that's my house, you pack your shit." Mr. Mike said to Karen.

"B-but I'm your wife." Karen gasps.

"And that's my son, he comes first." Mike said and walked away from Karen.

Karen walked away with a huffed.

Twenty mins later a doctor came and talk to them about what happen.

"The stitches wasn't heal and with all the moving she been doing it cause the stitches to come loose, she's resting right now, so please keep it down." The doctor said and walked away.

Nurses and doctors left out Neek room. She was sleeping peacefully as they entered her room this time quietly.

"What a day." Brandon said.

"Damn it. Did you call the police man?" Jetta asked him.

"No, I forgot." Brandon said.

"Shit me too." Jetta said.

"I'll call em in the morning." Brandon said.

"You do that?" Jetta said.

I think Malik and Neek earn their own book for a sequel, what you think?


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